Official Kreate A Character Thread


Height:10 ft
Weight: 2 tons
Race: Shokan
Affiliation: Neutral
Allies: Smoke(Human), Scorpion, Reptile, Cyrax, Sektor, and Rain
Foes: Goro, Sheeva, Kintaro, Shang Tsung, Shinnok, and Shoa Khan

Bio: I was born in outworld. As I grew, I became a strong follower of a small group of Shokan who were renegades against Goro. Goro had killed off many of the renegades in hope of hindering our chances of becoming more powerful than him and over throwing him. Finally Goro killed our leader, and in a furry, I challanged him to a fight. I was stronger than Goro and could take him easily alone. I the fight began to end, with me over powering Goro, He called upon the help of his allies, Sheeva and Kintaro. The three of them together quickly overpowered me. insted of killing me, they made a deal with Shinnok to keep me bannashed in the netherrealm. There I met Scorpion and trained with him for many years. One day he came to me with a plan of escape. Together we defide Shinnok and left the netherrealm. upon my return, I found out that Goro and Sheeva had died. This news pleased me. I went to outworld in an attempt to find Kintaro. There I came arcoss Shao Kahn. I faught him until, fearing for his own life, he reveled the location of Kintaro. I found Kintaro but was once again overpowered by him. I fled to the Living Forest in search of a ninja that scorpion told me of. He went by the name of smoke. After training with Smoke, I faced Kintaro again. This time, He fell easily. I returned to the living forest to live with smoke in the heart of the Living Forest.

Stance 1: Shokan
Stance 2: Shokan Hapkido
Weapon: Two eight ball chained maces

Apperance: Like Goro but much larger and with the shoulder and hip pads like smoke.

Special Moves: Fire Ball, Ground Pound, Teleport Punch, Teleport Stomp, and Charge.

Fatality 1: Dismemberment: Rip off your arms then rip of your legs. He would then beat your head until it shattered.

Fatality 2: Head Grab: Grab you by the head and pound you body against the ground three times, then grab you by the shoulders and bash your head against the ground the that it shatters.

Fatality 3: Bone Breaker: Breaks his arms, legs, and neck, then breaks his back.

Age: 1000
Place of origin: Netherrealm
Height: 1,65
Weight: 52 kg
Alies: Sindel
Foes: Shang Tsung, Quan Chi, Shao Kahn
Race: Human/witch
Affiliation: none

Bio: I was born in Netherrealm ages 10 ages ago... I met the sorceress Mordessa, and she teached me to do magic. I serve her in the "ENCLAVE". She was a bad person, a bitch... After 30 years, I trapse over the world 'till I arrived in Edenia. There I met Sindel and I became very close friend with her. Together we fight against Shao Kahn and his friends. After Sindel's death I was punished from Edenia. When Shao Kahn rise Sindel I felt like I am responsible to help Kitana to save Sindel from that idiot Kahn. We were going to save the most important women in our lives...

Stance 1: Wind moves

Stance 2: Banshee witch

Weapon : Magic staff

Apperance: My avatar is with her pic

1. Banshee scream
2. Banshee lift
3. Windball
4. Wind Karate
5. Banshee Kicking
6. The wind uppercut
7. Wind Tae Kwon Do
8. Banchee theets
9. Wind puch
10. Windful split kick
11. Verticle bicycle kick
12. Head stomp


1. Super wind banshee scream - FATALITY
2. Wicca fatal - FATALITY

Sarah is a 3D charecter, you see it by her apperance and her moves.
I bought some things from the game "Enclave"
WEIGHT:140 lbs
ALLIES:kung lao,liu kang,kitana,raiden,sub zero
FOES:nightwolf,goro,shang tsung,quan chi
APPERANCE:wears a devil like mask and dresses in a black cloak and black trousers.wears boots which fire studs.

BIOGRAPHY:I travel the lands searching for shang tsung.i want revenge on him.when i was 8 he murdered my dad and raped my mother he left me for dead. i discovered the nexus after following a old man through Edenia.he carried a strange object which opened a portal i followed him and found myself in the nexus. i jumped through a portal and ended up in the earthrealm where i met the lin kuei tribe who trained me to fight. i then returned to the nexus to seek revenge on shang tsung. i was lost in the chaos realm. i met a group of travelers who were after shang tsung as well. the middle man who i assumed was leader told me that shang tsung was an ancient sorcerer. i joined their quest and we are still hunting down shang tsung and quan chi.

WEAPON:blades apperar from the knuckles.

FATALITY:He knocks the enemy on the ground with an uppercut and then proceeds to rub hiis boots into their throat until bleeding then he jumps on their chest with a deveastating blow which instantly crushes the heart
Name: Darek
Occupation: Fighter
Affliction: Evil
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Origin: Netherrealm
Age: 22
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 215
Allies: League of Shadow, Moloch ad Drahmin
Foes: Scorpion, Shinnok and Quan Chi
Fighting Style 1: Choy Lee Fut
Fighting Style 2: Tang Soo Do
Weapon: Broadswords
Special Attack 1: Uppercut Kick
Special Attack 2: Teleport Kick
Fatality 1: Teleports inside of the person and the person blows up.
Fatality 2: Makes the person get on there knees and beheads them.
Hara Kiri: Throws his blades at the enemy and then teleports infront of them and takes the blow for them.
Apperance: Black Hair, Red Eyes with no sign off pupils or irises, Skar down right arm.

Bio: I was born in the Netherrealm beacuse i did while being born. I was raised by the League of Shadow. I became there head master until the day a specter by the name of Scorpion asked for my help to get out of the realm so i did and it lead to me being sucked into the portal as well. Know lets see what kind of trouble i can cause to earth realm.

Alt. Bio: Many years after i escaped the Neatherrealm i went in search of the being who brought me here Scorpion. Soon i learned that he was in outworld on route to go take down the Dragon King, Onaga. When i got there i found Onaga dead but know sign of Scorpion. My search goes on. I will find Scorpion and when i do i will get my revenge.
Name: Chripter
Occupation: Necromancer
Origin: Outworld
Allignment: Evil
Allies: Shao Kahn, Baraka, Reptile
Foes: Rayden, Shang Tsung, Havik, Bo' Rai Cho

"There was a long time since I was alive. I used to be the Emperor Shao Kahn's sorcerer, and taught all my knowledges in necromancy to a young fighter from Outworld named Shang Tsung. He learned well all my lessons...until the day he decided to kill me and take my place as the sorcerer of the Emperor. Millenniums had passed until Rayden killed Shang Tsung to defeat Onaga...and freed my soul. My first action when reborn was searching for my lord Shao Kahn...and reclaim my place as his trustman. A Tarkatan general named Baraka told me, although, a Chaos clerig named Havik had ressurected my Emperor and taken my place as his sorcerer. As like I can't get my revenge against my former pupil Shang Tsung, I returned to Outworld to kill Havik and reclaim my place as the sorcerer of the Emperor."

Styles: Crane, Mi Zong, Spirits Staff

Special Moves: Paralising Fireball, Teleport, Telekinetic Throw, Reanimate(a skeleton grabs the enemy and throws him)

Fatalities: induces the enemy to kill himself (not doing the Harakiri)/takes his soul (he taught Shang Tsung, remember?)

Harakiri: throw a purple Fireball in his own feet and change into a soulless skeleton
name: Frozone
age: He is born 10 000 years after Chr.
height: 5'9''
weight:190 sm
race: Ninja
affilitiaton: none

Stance 1: Ai Ki Do
Stance 2: Frosty sticks

Weapon: Frozen sticks

Apperance: Frozone is a frozen ninja just like Sub Zero and Frost. He looks like Sub Zero, but with long freeze hair and ... he is a negro:)

Bio: Sub Zero and his clan saw me when I was fighting againts a Tarkatan solgier . He saw that I am a good fighter and a frozen ninja and he wanted to join him to kis clan. For my thanks I give him an ancient amulet given me by my grand grandfather. This amulets haves the most powerful freezing powers in the world. Everythink was cool but I think that girl Frost is very suspisious..., We begin traveling the world and searchin for new frost ninjas.
Note: This Character has a little relation to The Suffering.

Name: Prowl
Age: D.O.C Classification
Origin: Harrisburg, PA Earthrealm
Allighnment: Unknown
Allies: Anyone who needs help
Foes: Depends

Style 1: Streetfighting
Style 2: Karate
Weapon: Metal Bat

Appearence: Orange Prison clothes, black belt around waste with Molotov connected, torso strap with metal bat strapped to it, brown hair, long lambchop sideburns, mustache and goatee, and white sneakers.


Fire in the Hole: Prowl throws Molotov at enemy and the enemy burns to death.
Beatdown: Prowl takes his metal bat and beats the enemy to death.

Bio: I was convicted for a crime I didn't comit. They then found evedence that could prove my innocence. During my second trile there was an Earthquake. Harrisburg was being attacked by an other worldly force. The whole world was. I found for my survival, being attacked by creatures with blades coming out of their wrists. After it was all over I decided to go on the lamb for a while, but I got dragged into some buisiness about a sacred tournament and junk. Now I travel the land of Outworld, doing what I can to save mankind.
Name: Saturnus
Age: 17
Height: 5'6''
Wieght: 127
Race: Edenian
Friends: Kitana, Jade, Sindel, Liu Kang, Kenshi
Foes: Mileena, Baraka, Shao Khan

Stance 1: Crane
Stance 2: Lotus Petal
Weapon: Katars

Fatality 1:Rib Splitter-She takes her Katars and stabs her victim in thier chest. She then pulls the ribs apart exposing the heart and lungs.
Fatality 2:What a way to go!- She lifts up the sash on her waist and puts her legs around the victim's neck. She takes the sash and quickly wraps it around their neck and with a swift jerk the persons neck is broken. (many male victims die with a smile)
Hari Kari:Split my ribs-Same as rib splitter but she does it to herself.

Apperance: and

Bio:Saturnus is a faithful handmaiden and bodyguard to Princess Kitana. She's been trained since birth to protect her Princess. She has been trained with almost every weapon, but has perfected Katars. Since the deception of Kitana's twin/clone, Mileena, Saturnus has been blaming herself for not knowing she wasn't her mistress. Now she wants to be in the next tournament to prove she is worthy enouth to protect Kitana. She would do anything to protect her Princess, even if it costs her her life. She also seems to have an unhealthy attraction towards Kenshi.....
Name: Zython
Occupation: Supreme Sorceror Of The Netherealm
Origin: The Realm Of The Living Dead
Height: 6'5

Fighting Style 1:The Netherealm
Fighting Style 2:Sambo
Weapon:Blood Edge Scythe

Bio:Why did I get resurrected? Why am I here? Why was my suicide not a success? I guess not. Maybe there is a chance where I can commit a sin and make myself as a sacrifice. But before that, I must find the bitch or bastard who did it first to accomplish the sin.

ENDING:Without knowing what was going on,Zython and Havik killed every Mortal and God who fought in a never-ending battle called Mortal Kombat. Traveling through each realm Zython finally found out who resurrected him;Havik. This angered Zython and he eventually executed Havik. Forgetting about his own sacrifice, he made himself king and ruler of all eternity.

In 10 million years he will become God Of The Netherealm and own the Sacret Amulet. He will rule every realm and country in the palm of his devilish hands. Have a good day.

Fatality 1: He produces a red orb and throws it to the enemy. The enemy's skin gets sucked and in the end only a skeleton is left behind.

Fatality 2: He impales the bloody scythe to the enemy and swings it very fast in every direction until the body gets dissolved into blood and becomes a part of his scythe handle and blade.

Harakiri: He makes a clone of himself and the clone and apprently impales Zython with the bloody scythe and swings it very fast in every direction until the body is dissolved into blood and then the clone explodes.
Allies:Kitana Jade Sindel

Stance 1:Nijistu
Stance 2:Yoshida Shoin

Weapon: 3 Ft. Long Tachi Sword


Bio:As a Child Kitana and her sister Sapphire were constanly mpving from realm to realm thanks to Shao Kahn and his desperate love for Sindel. One day Sindel and Kitana were at earth real near the Wu Shi Academy werealmost caught by Shao Kahn but they leave Sapphire.
After at least 3 hours of crying a near by monk Hears the weep of a baby.

Then she grows she learns the the way of shaoilin. The monks thinks she is trained enough and wise enough to go out on her own. Then while in netherealm she finds Lui kang and Kung Lao and they say their on a quest to find Kitana. Even though she was a baby she scould not forget this name. And she joins the two and tries to find out about her history

Romp in Peace Mac Dre

Age:Eternal life


Wheight:Controlled by himself


Alighnment:Depends on mood

Allies:Brothers Zetro and Tetro sometimes Tanya

Foes:Depends on mood

Weapons:Exskullibur and Death Bringer (a boomasword)

Fatality:Apocalypse: Retro deystroys everything in sight

Brutality:Soul Rip:Consumes all of your body with the Exskullibur and feeds your soul to hell

Animality:Turns into a griffin and eats you one by one.

Bio:I was banished from saturn along with my brain dead paranoid and incredibly smart two brothers. I would be promoted back to saturn only if I KILLED every human. It had to be done.
M-E-T-H-O-D-M-A-N said:
Allies:Kitana Jade Sindel

Stance 1:Nijistu
Stance 2:Yoshida Shoin

Weapon: 3 Ft. Long Tachi Sword


Bio:As a Child Kitana and her sister Sapphire were constanly mpving from realm to realm thanks to Shao Kahn and his desperate love for Sindel. One day Sindel and Kitana were at earth real near the Wu Shi Academy werealmost caught by Shao Kahn but they leave Sapphire.
After at least 3 hours of crying a near by monk Hears the weep of a baby.

Then she grows she learns the the way of shaoilin. The monks thinks she is trained enough and wise enough to go out on her own. Then while in netherealm she finds Lui kang and Kung Lao and they say their on a quest to find Kitana. Even though she was a baby she scould not forget this name. And she joins the two and tries to find out about her history
Holy hell, I have a twin. o.o
no... what you have here, my friend is a jack-job, by someone who obviously didn't take the time to check through these threads first and assure he wasn't taking ideas. not that the idea was the same but the name was... . ok granted he's a newbie, so cut him a lil' slack but, if you are upset about it.... say somethin bro. :wink: (going to f*** off for sticking my nose in someone elses business) lol
Tina Blade

Place of origin: USA
Alignement: Good
Alies: Sonya, Jax, Kenshi, Raiden
Foes: Shao Kahn, Shang Tsung, Quan Chi
Appearance: Briunette, white, wears blue jeans with high shoes, black little T-shirt and white jacket.

Stance 1: Tae Kwon Do
Stance 2: Kenpo
Stance 3: Baji Quan

Weapon: Bamboo pike

Bio: Tina is a creation of Raiden's sorcery of lighting. She is a clone of Sonya, because she needed a partner. Sonya didn't like Tina from first side, but with many sacrafises taken by Tina, Sonya begin to like her.
Tina is created after the deffeat of Onaga.

Tae Kwon Do moves:

1.Side kick
2.Hook kick
3.Double axe hit
4.Double kick
5.Scorpion kick
6.Cyrcle kick
7.Fist kick
8.Rising knee kick
9.Kick to the moon
10.Twin fist punch

Kenpo moves:

1.Double hammer fist
2.Great punch
3.Revolve punch
4.Low heel kick
6.Shovel kick
8.Leg sweep
10.Knife hand chop

Baji Quan moves:

1.Wing arm
2.Scooping arm
3.Low kick
4.High kick
5.Lifting kick
6.Nailing kick
9.Head chop
10.Low scooping arm

Special moves:

2.Kiss of death
3.Black dragon ball


1. Kiss of rip - Tina kisses the enemy and he starts to get nerve and he blows and rips.
2. Hight shoe kick - Tina punches the enemy away, consolidate and then hits the enemy in the stomach with her hight shoes and she rips his torso
3. Soccer - Tina rips opponents head hits it like football into the opponent and rips him.
Name: Trakslar
Occupation: Fighter
Affliction: EVIL
Race: Tarkatan
Sex: male
Age: 237
Height: 6' 3''
Weight: 247 lbs.
Allies: Baraka(only one he trusts)
Foes: Reptile, Sub-Zero, Scorpion, all from EarthRealm, Shang Tsung, Quan-Chi, Elder Gods, Shao Kahn, Smoke, you get the picture.
Fighting style 1: Tang Soo Do
Fighting style 2: Crane
Weapons: arm daggers
Special Attack 1: Crouch 'n slice
Special Attack 2: Tornado Slash
Fatality 1: Head Lop
Fatality 2: Torso Removal
Hara Kiri: none
Appearance: horns circling top of head, vicious-bloodred teetch, red/black tunic(like barakas), no pupils.

Bio: Born in the battled wastelands of outworld, I was raised by Tarkatan footsoldiers who trained me to be a bloothirsty killer. I slaughtered foes from every realm and took over half of Wu-Shi Academy for 3 years. Baraka was my only allie at the time because he protected me from the defiance of Motaro, slaying him and removing his torso from his horse-like lower-body. Baraka stood by me in battle from then on in as we wiped out race after race.
Now, 47 years later I rule villages and slay peasants like they were animals. No-one can cross my path and conquer my land. Not even Shao Khan.
Name: Major Wilhelm Engelhardt
Age: 32
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 240 lbs
Race: Human
Affiliation: Good

Style 1: Hap Ki Do
Style 2: Muay Thai
Weapon: Bowie Knives


Bio: A Major in the German Army Special Forces. Wilhelm Engelhardt spent most of his life growing up in Frankfurt, Germany, dreaming of serving his country and becoming an Elite Soldier. When he was a young Commissioned Officer, he had the opportunity to Serve along MAJ Jackson Briggs during an operation in Afghanistan. Now, after hearing about his long time friend and his struggle in the war against the Outworld forces, Engelhardt petitioned to his Chain of Command to allow him to assist his comrade. His request was denied, so Engelhardt resigned his Commission and joined Jax and Sonya in their fight.
Name- Kondrenon
Status- Demonic Mage
Sex- Male
Age- 23
Height- 7.1
Wieght- 120 lbs
Race- Demon
Allies- Reptile, Quan Chi
Enemies- Shao Kahn, Subzero
Alignement- Evil

Stance 1- Summoner
Stance 2- Hell Caster

Weapon- Inferno Staff


1. Summon Hell Spirit- summons a fire coated spirit to follow the opponent (low damage)
2. Demon Ball- creates a ball of demonic fire which has a good exploding radius.
3. Magma Quake- makes cracks on the ground making fire come out of it for a period of time.
4.Chaotic Storm- makes a giant storm sending flaming skulls out of the sky for 4 seconds.
5. Summon Spirit of Hell- summons a giant spirit of flame to guard Kondrenon. If enemy gets to close it self destructs.
6. Lava Prisson- makes a circle of burning flame around the opponent burning them while they can't move for 3 seconds.
7. Wall Eruption- summons fireballs from nearby walls shooting toward your oppnent


1. He summons a spirit that goes inside the enemy and it explodes into pieces.
2. Summons a lave prission around the enemy while he charges up to cast inferno winds which will leave him to nothing but i bloody skelaton falling into the ground.
3. He takes his staff and sets the enemy on fire. Then he sticks it through them which drains the enemies soul leaving nothing but a slub on the floor.
4. He throws the enemy into the ground four times which bring up demonic skelatons which keep hiting and burning the enemy. Then he throws the enemy into the wall where he gets blown up by a fireball in the sky while leaving ashes floating in the sky.

Appearence- A demon covered in lava coated armor with demon fire surrounding it.

Kondrenon was a servent of Shoa Kahn once untill the time where he followed Reptile when he was searching for Kitana. When he found her a portal came from nowhere and he had accidently jumped in. He was Earth Realm now with a vast land to destroy. He trys to find a way back to Outworld but he is still trapped in Earth Realm.

There he is. He may be small but it's still good.

name- Trinox
sex- male
occuptation- assasian
age- 19
height- 5 ft.
weight- 79 pounds
race- Tarakan
allies- baraka, quan chi
enemies- raiden, subzero, reptile, scorpion, and smoke
alignement- evil

stance 1- Ken fon dret
stance 2- stealth
weapon- poison blades

appearence- a look similar to baraka just he has metal armor.

biography- Trinox was once baraka's best tarakan solder untill the time where he was defeated by liu kang and kung loa. He ran away into a tunnel meeting up with quan chi who made a deal with him that if he serves him he will get eternal power. Now he is his solder assainating all who oppose his new master and seeks revenge for barak's death. He has made a oath that liu kang and kung loa will die when they finally meet.
Name: Smog
Age: Unkown
Sex: Male
Occuation: Shira-Ryu member
Weight: 150 lbs
Race: Human
Allies: Scorpion
Enemies: Noob-Smoke,Shao Khan, Quan Chi.
Alignment: Neutral
Stance 1: Dragon
Stance 2: Hapkido
Weapon: 2 long blades
Appearence: Black/red ninja, with the Shira Ryu symbol, some cybernetic inplants.
Bio: I was fighting Noob-Smoke in the netherealm and was almost dead had it not been for Scorpion, he saved me and mended my wounds he used what was left of Smoke's nano-technolligy to make me stronger, I heard stories that he was an evil murderer, but in fact he was only seeking vengance for his clan and family for helping me i owe him my loyalty and i helped him rebuild the Shira Ryu Clan, Now people have a new name to fear, THE SHIRA RYU!!!