Name: Nittaraff
Age: 47
Height: 6' 7"
Weight: 302 lbs.
Race: unknown
Clan: Black Dragon
Allignment: evil with a capital E
Allies: Shao Kahn, Kano, Kabal, Quan Chi, and Kobra.
Foes: everyone else he doesn't know
Stance 1: Crab
Stance 2: Snake
Weapon: Hookswords
Special move 1: Tail thrash
Special move 2: Loud scream
Fatality 1: slashes enemy with his bare hands and bites off enemy's head.
Fatality 2: sticks tail through enemy's head, removes head.
Bio: Raised by the Tarkatans, Nittaraff grew up insane and abusive. His metallic tail helped him punish those whom he didn't like. He threatened anyone who crossed his path. Eventually, Baraka realized that Nittaraff was more psychotic than any of the Tarkatans. It got to a point where they had to get rid of him. Baraka and the other Tarkatan warriors ambushed him and fought long and hard, but they were no match. Nattaraff cleared fields and fields of Tarkata with large thrashes of his tail and tore them to bacon bits with his hookswords. He left the wasted battlefield and came across another area of the Wastelands: the home of the Black Dragon clan.
He met Kabal and Kobra, 2 members. Nittaraff joined them in their hunt to eliminate the Red Dragon clan, What he lacked in sanity, he made up for in feirceness. No stranger crossed his path and made it out alive. He had killed more beings than Kabal and Kobra combined. That sort of issue did not go well with the Black Dragon.
He learned of their plans to throw him in the living forest, where he would be killed by countless Putrid Corpses, Living Trees, and giant snakes. Nittaraff made an effort to escape the Wastelands and traveled to the land of the Soul Chamber. He then learned of a new Mortal Kombat tournament and figured he could destroy them all easily. He entered and learned that the last man he would fight would be Shoa Kahn.
Nittaraff ripped through every kombatant like they were leaves. Upon Shao Kahn's time to shine, Nittaraff slashed him to ribbons, only getting minor cuts and bruises from the gigantic sledge hammer. Reptile dashed to the battlegrounds and screamed, "No! He is not the man you wish to kill! He whome you are seeking is Quan Chi. He is the one you want!" Nittaraff made it sure that his mission would be complete. He has roamed Jade's Desert for 7 years no without food and water. He has not returned to kill Quan Chi. His mission will never be complete.