July 7th, 2005
12:18 AM CST -
We got word that the upcoming August 2005/Issue 95 edition of Official Playstation Magazine features some footage from Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks on its bonus disc.

In one of the scenes you can clearly make out a youthful Shang Tsung like in Mortal Kombat II after Shao Kahn reduced his age. Also it featues a scene that appears to be Scorpion taking on Smoke in his human form.

We'll have more information as we get it.

+10 TRMKarma: Spine Rip

Reader Komments from the TRMK Forums:

July 7th, 2005 12:45 AM CST - Khaos
There are images to this, but that was ripped directly from MKO. :P August is having a playable demo...
July 7th, 2005 1:41 AM CST - DCR
Scorpion facing off against Human Smoke? That's gotta be the coolest thing I've heard ever.
July 7th, 2005 6:30 AM CST - Patrick McCarron
Originally Posted by : Khaos
There are images to this, but that was ripped directly from MKO. :P August is having a playable demo...
I have to go see if I can find the issue in stores so we can get it scanned. But this is the August Issue, so August wont have a playable demo, it'll be in September.
July 9th, 2005 12:17 AM CST - DeadSkuLL DruMMer
but doesn't the game come out in september?
July 9th, 2005 1:26 AM CST - crazy viper player
Originally Posted by : DeadSkuLL DruMMer
but doesn't the game come out in september?
september 26 i think
July 9th, 2005 9:56 PM CST - DCR
Originally Posted by : DeadSkuLL DruMMer
but doesn't the game come out in september?
Yeah, but the September issue of almost any magazine will come out in August, or even earlier. Hell, I already got my September issue of Guitar World.
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