March 2nd, 1997
12:00 PM CST -
First off, ASI is the new name for ACME. ACME is one of two major arcade videogame shows in North America, the other is AMOA. Anyway, there have been rumors spreading that Mortal Kombat 4 would be shown in some shape or form at the show. In past years, Mortal Kombat 2 and Mortal Kombat 3 have debuted at this show in early "Alpha" form. In a recent e-mail from Dave Michicich, here is what he has to say:

The answer is ABSOLUTELY NOT. There seems to be a popular
misconception of the games release date. I can't say exactly
when I expect to "show" MK4 to the general public, but I
consider us in "early" development still.

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