February 17th, 2011
9:53 AM CST -
Italian gaming website Multiplayer.it and 1UP posted up an the Liu Kang "Epic Beatdown Gameplay Trailer.". In this new gameplay trailer we get to see some of the longest segments of Mortal Kombat (2011)'s Story Mode yet inbetween some Liu Kang combo demonstration. To us it almost sounds like Robin Shou is back and playing the voice of Liu Kang, but this isn't confirmed at this point. You also get to see Johnny Cage in a spiffy alternate blue suit costume.

Thanks to @lord_scorpion87 on Twitter for the news tip.

Update 2/18/2011: We have updated above with our HTML5/Flash embedded copy of the video.

Reader Komments from the TRMK Forums:

February 17th, 2011 10:11 AM CST - Leon Sheeve
Ok, How do I watch it?
February 17th, 2011 10:13 AM CST - Commander
Can someone YouTube it for the mobile users?
February 17th, 2011 10:14 AM CST - orbofuncreation
I'm still watching it, no problem at all!
February 17th, 2011 10:18 AM CST - Shin Li
It's still not back up for me. Hopefully it'll show up on youtube. . .
February 17th, 2011 10:18 AM CST - Patrick McCarron
It's been removed by multiplayer.it for now, if you can see it now it's because you haven't refreshed the page cache yet (don't!).
Originally Posted by : Araknyd03
Can someone YouTube it for the mobile users?
Sorry can't allow that because it's an exclusive video to a certain region or website, only they can put it on YouTube or make it mobile friendly.
February 17th, 2011 10:18 AM CST - jarvis653
February 17th, 2011 10:25 AM CST - liverneck
Have they showed that island stage at night yet? I think that Johnny Cage's is the only alternate costume they have shown. That was a decent video.
February 17th, 2011 10:33 AM CST - Jinko
Oh man, Cage looks hilarious.
February 17th, 2011 10:47 AM CST - cpac
its nice to see an ALT costume -- gonna be hella cool
February 17th, 2011 10:50 AM CST - SolarDor
Damn! I cannot wait for this game! Amazing combos! Liu Kang's moves look so cool with the fiery blazes! The bicycle kick has been refreshed and looks great! There is also a portion of a match in the Garden Stage, but during night instead of day! Looks like we might get several stages represented in daylight and night time! Beautiful! I love you NRS!
February 17th, 2011 10:52 AM CST - Aquilluxborg Hydroxybot
Johnny Cage is looking slick, daddy-o.
February 17th, 2011 10:56 AM CST - jbell0129
looks pretty good to me
February 17th, 2011 10:57 AM CST - cpac
someone needs to tell player 2 to use a combo breaker
February 17th, 2011 11:00 AM CST - Ricochetmatt
Well, I'm back to absolutely hating Liu Kang again. His squawks are at a super high level of annoying, his face is fat and ridiculous looking and he makes me want to punch babies. Why didn't they just mold his face after the artwork on the main site? I don't like Cage's alternate costume either. Can't really judge Liu's yet, though. Thank God for that Noob video...
February 17th, 2011 11:08 AM CST - jeary
Does he really have to do that stupid noise after every attack.... Cool to see a little of the story mode.
February 17th, 2011 11:14 AM CST - mortalkombatfan26
Ooh saw the lady in red again, loving Johnny's suit lol.
February 17th, 2011 11:18 AM CST - Injectelo
After watching this vid I feel.... Annoyed!!
February 17th, 2011 11:25 AM CST - THE JOHNNY ROOK
Love the low fireball!
February 17th, 2011 11:28 AM CST - Chillinja
I hated that low fireball in MK2...especially since its sooo easy to spam. Hope there is some recoil to it this time. And yes, the sounds are super annoying.
February 17th, 2011 11:28 AM CST - cpac
Originally Posted by : jeary
Does he really have to do that stupid noise after every attack.... Cool to see a little of the story mode.
i know -- i hate liu kang just for that reason -- love beating him though, and will love to beat him in the new game
February 17th, 2011 11:36 AM CST - Kenshi kang
cool video. Liu looks like he is if going to be fun to play with. Story mode has me excitied can't wait to play that.
February 17th, 2011 11:44 AM CST - Shin Li
Has the video made it to youtube yet? (I've looked but can't find it.)
February 17th, 2011 11:47 AM CST - Taj Gill
Okay what the **** have they done with the screams. They actually sounded cool back in the older games, now he sounds like a damned Ewok . And they really cant get asian faces right, can they? I still love Liu Kangs appearance and moves but they do need to fix the damned face and his screams.
February 17th, 2011 12:16 PM CST - SMOKE_
Im liking the new look! Lui's bicycle kick is way tight now! i really liked the video. too bad no new char reveals. IM betting we will get all the char releases before PAX EAST or at least @ PAX EAST. Eh looking forward to seeing smoke!
February 17th, 2011 12:19 PM CST - orbofuncreation
Originally Posted by : Taj Gill
Okay what the **** have they done with the screams. They actually sounded cool back in the older games, now he sounds like a damned Ewok . And they really cant get asian faces right, can they? I still love Liu Kangs appearance and moves but they do need to fix the damned face and his screams.
Watch around 0:28: Liu Kang looks like Arnold Schwarzenegger, there's definitely something wrong in his face.
February 17th, 2011 12:32 PM CST - VictorMefer
Loved his fiery bycicle kick! But I agree with Taj, they've crossed the limit with Liu's screams, and his face is too fat. Except for that, pretty cool video. And nice of them showing alternate costumes, I thought we'd only see those when we got the game.
February 17th, 2011 12:40 PM CST - RockHardMilkGun
Liu looks like a long combo fighter... Good to piss people off online with... But Noob is still my main and I'm gonna pray for a new character reveal on Friday. [For all you Sheeva, Kabal, and Smoke (RIP Smokey Cut) fans] I love the yells too... They are classic and real world martial artists use them to increase the power behind their strikes. (Ever watch boxing or MMA? They exhale when they strike too)
February 17th, 2011 12:57 PM CST - end_citizen
I am loving Johnny Cage's alt. Glad Lui's got his turkey calls still, and also glad he's not a zombie.
February 17th, 2011 1:40 PM CST - SMOKE_
Originally Posted by : end_citizen
I am loving Johnny Cage's alt. Glad Lui's got his turkey calls still, and also glad he's not a zombie.
ya i agree, thats the best part about him. he is alive
February 17th, 2011 1:45 PM CST - Nasty_Freak
Nice suit Johnny has. The "red lady" is there again too. I hope to see Jade's fatality before the game comes out.
February 17th, 2011 2:08 PM CST - pgd42
The fighting looks cool but I hope the voice acting doesn't suck this time around. dc universe was god awful with it
February 17th, 2011 2:21 PM CST - Inmorbium
For those who couldn't see it yet, the video is now on Youtube.
February 17th, 2011 2:26 PM CST - Alisa
Total side note, but Liu Kang's voice really doesn't sound like Robin Shou to me.
February 17th, 2011 2:32 PM CST - Adjun
Wow, if noob made me pop wood, then Liu just threw ice water on my crotch! He looks like a very boring character. His moves are just, I don't know, lacking and dull. Gobble-bobble bleeble blooble after every punch, kick, and blink of his weird looking eyes is unecessary. Johnny's Alt looks silly. I see NRS just can't help themselves but make stupid shit in their games. They remind me of a kid at a piano recital with perfect skills but has to blurt out turrets-like curses. Bloody, dark, grim, JOHNNY IN A BLUE SUIT! Wicked intros, unique poses, characters have distinctive personalities, LIU KANG GOBBLE GOBBLE!!!
February 17th, 2011 3:34 PM CST - Taj Gill
This was seriously a total buzz kill. Here I am excited out of my mind that Liu Kang is BACK, and now they ruin the turkey sounds. I dont care what anyone says, the turkey sounds were freaking awesome, but now theyre ruined because he sounds like an ewok from star wars. And omg, yes the FACE . Was someone at NRS being butt****ed (no homophobia intended) by Arnold Schwarzenegger while creating his face? Seriously, this really pissed me off. Two games in a row where theres an epic fail on Liu Kang.
February 17th, 2011 3:37 PM CST - Doc
Haters gonna hate. I'm really not getting the gripes about Johnny Cage's alt...like his character ISN'T an action movie star, and he's never had a tuxedo alt before. I personally liked the video though, its pretty much what I've come to expect from these short little combo vids. Liu Kang's combos weren't really mind blowing for me, and he doesn't look like he'll have quite the combo potential of Kung Lao or Mileena, but the game needs variety.
February 17th, 2011 3:51 PM CST - Umon Daisuke
Most definitely not Robin Shou here, and... light blue suit for Johnny? Yikes.
February 17th, 2011 4:34 PM CST - Nasty_Freak
I hope there is something in Fatality Friday tomorrow. I hope it's Jade's or Sindel's fatality!!!
February 17th, 2011 5:13 PM CST - MikeRib
I guess in this video we get a glimpse of how the story in the game will be told? Looks to be a lot deeper than I thought they were gonna do. Looks so awesome.
February 17th, 2011 5:51 PM CST - orbofuncreation
I've noticed another little thing: there's a Ninja Mime ad in the Subway!
February 17th, 2011 6:27 PM CST - Eks
I REALLY dislike his teleport move.
February 17th, 2011 6:33 PM CST - Aldo Moreno
Omgosh that was a freaking badass video!!!! I KAN NOT WAIT TILL MK9 KOMES OUT!! I LOVE HIS KOMBOS TOO!!! This is the most epic video I seen. Thumbs up NRS. He is going to become CHAMPION OF MORTAL KOMBAT!!!!!!!!!
February 17th, 2011 7:06 PM CST - Adjun
Originally Posted by : Doc
Haters gonna hate. I'm really not getting the gripes about Johnny Cage's alt...like his character ISN'T an action movie star, and he's never had a tuxedo alt before.
Oh, I explicitly remember him wearing a tuxedo.... in the very games THIS game was helping me forget.
Originally Posted by : Taj
but now theyre ruined because he sounds like an ewok from star wars
He sounds like he's got his face buried in a pillow while making whoopi sounds. He even makes sounds for Scorpion's moves when he's teamed up with him. Watch and listen to the video again! It's ridiculous! lmao I'm not liking the un-polish on his character. His fireballs don't look like they are in the same fight as him and his opponent. There should be fire particles bouncing off of the opponent when he hits them. Some semblance of them being hit would be nice, like a burn or scorch mark on their body, maybe a puff of small smoke. I almost can't even tell he hit them.
February 18th, 2011 12:17 AM CST - squirrelpion
yes! it's like thanksgiving has come early! gobble gobble wobble! wahhh! i'm acually digging this kang. i like his look and his gibber jabber. good job mk team!
February 18th, 2011 3:32 AM CST - SolarDor
I don't know why you people are complaining about his battle cries... Have you not watched videos of Bruce Lee? Are you annoyed by his battle cries, too? I feel this rightfully fits Liu Kang's character. I don't know how I'd keep living if I was disappointed half as much as many of you, here. It depresses me just to see your persistent complaining! Your pooping all over everyone's party! Keep it coming, NRS! You're doing a great job! And, for the other positive members on this forum, thank you for keeping the peace and fueling the excitement!
February 18th, 2011 6:30 AM CST - meathook
Did anyone notice the hand gesture Kang makes towards Kitana at 1:07 ? Is it supposed to be an automatic taunt?
February 18th, 2011 12:28 PM CST - Taj Gill
Originally Posted by : SolarDor
I don't know why you people are complaining about his battle cries... Have you not watched videos of Bruce Lee? Are you annoyed by his battle cries, too? I feel this rightfully fits Liu Kang's character. I don't know how I'd keep living if I was disappointed half as much as many of you, here. It depresses me just to see your persistent complaining! Your pooping all over everyone's party! Keep it coming, NRS! You're doing a great job! And, for the other positive members on this forum, thank you for keeping the peace and fueling the excitement!
We are not saying we hate his battle cries (at least, I am not), i loved his battle cries from the former games, but they sound weird now. He sounds like hes from Return of the Jedi. Theres no screams like there were in the original games, he sounds like an Ewok talking to Chewbacca.
February 18th, 2011 7:15 PM CST - xiphi
Can definitely say that new HTML5 video player is a LOT smoother than Flash.
February 18th, 2011 7:34 PM CST - Aldo Moreno
Man seriously, you guys need to get off of Liu Kang. He actually sounds good. Have yall not seen Bruce Lee in his movies? Let us all be glad he actually has his damn so kalled, "turkey voice", back in MK and not komplain about. Thats all half of the fanbase does. Kome on now. Kan we at least just make the best of it without komplaing?
February 18th, 2011 7:41 PM CST - xiphi
I have no complaints about his "turkey voice". It's a part of MK, so I'd expect it to be there.
February 18th, 2011 7:52 PM CST - Aldo Moreno
Originally Posted by : xiphi
I have no complaints about his "turkey voice". It's a part of MK, so I'd expect it to be there.
I said half. You aren't apart of the half.
February 19th, 2011 11:55 AM CST - Taj Gill
Originally Posted by : Aldo Moreno
Man seriously, you guys need to get off of Liu Kang. He actually sounds good. Have yall not seen Bruce Lee in his movies? Let us all be glad he actually has his damn so kalled, "turkey voice", back in MK and not komplain about. Thats all half of the fanbase does. Kome on now. Kan we at least just make the best of it without komplaing?
I agree, the Turkey Voice was pretty awesome in the previous games, but now he sounds like he is purring instead of doing intense, fierce screams. They do need to fix his screams bro, I want the same Liu Kang I loved from the previous games back.
February 19th, 2011 8:01 PM CST - Aldo Moreno
Originally Posted by : Taj Gill
I agree, the Turkey Voice was pretty awesome in the previous games, but now he sounds like he is purring instead of doing intense, fierce screams. They do need to fix his screams bro, I want the same Liu Kang I loved from the previous games back.
We do, but ten times better! And yes I do like the old screams better. Let us hope they do fix it, if not, then lets just get use to it.
February 22nd, 2011 12:21 AM CST - hagg309
Here is my opinion of what should be done: (Just another idiotic opinion you will think, but let me know if you agree) Thin out his face, in fact.. thin out every character. Less is more, I'm telling you. I would have been more excited to see basic slim cloth ninjas. Steroids and WWE are not cool (except Jax). For liu, Think bruce lee with long hair.. He is still cool.. and so are old ninja flicks. Also, please fix any bad sounds in general, not just liu's.. the announcer is nowhere near as confident and dark sounding as the mk2 and 3 announcer. The sounds in this embody "trying to hard' just follow in mk2's footsteps. The vibe of the fatalities and xrays are excellent, and that vibe should be passed on the every aspect of the game.. even the sounds. The gameplay looks great. I hope someone is reading this that can make a difference before release. It's like the designers are modeling liu kang in the image of themselves. Thin is in! also, please add screams that make you go wow.. like in mk2.. they sounded like genuine screams in that.. think toasty scorpion fatality. in this they sound like voice actors portraying screams.. The sounds arent bad, but not amazing either. Still excited though. Please get trent reznor to do the music. I think he would embody the vibe of mortal kombat well.
February 24th, 2011 5:18 AM CST - hagg309
Eh, this is probably too much to ask for 2 months before release ha. I watched again, I guess it is fine the way it is. Pretty excited, I imagine once I actually play it, all worries will fade away!
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