The Asod/13 Mortal Kombat IX 2011 Cup (NA!)

I'm willing to take his spot.
Well. I mean. Is that allowed, in the first place? Definitely need the go-ahead from the organizers.

I wouldn't be able to for a couple hours anyway.
Okay, nuth1nmuch and I just finished our set.

Matches 1, 2, & 3:
Quan Chi vs Noob Saibot
Winner - Quan Chi

Set Winner: nuth1nmuch (3-0)

Eh, at least I was able to moderately hang with him this time... hahaha.
Raddus, you are officially a partecipant of this tournament :) good luck for your matches!
Solitude vs. Circus is going to be a great match, good luck guys!
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Match between me and Solitude (noth1nmuch)

Match 1: Kano vs Quan Chi

Winner: Kano

Match 2: Kano vs Quan Chi

Winner: Quan Chi

Match 3: Kano vs Quan Chi

Winner: Kano

Match 4: Kano vs Quan Chi

Winner: Quan Chi

Match 5: Kano vs Quan Chi

Winner Quan Chi

Went to the very last round of the final match. Sooooo intense lol. Solitude puts me into loser's though =(
4 matches of Ermac vs Kitana. Logan won 3-1.

His Kitana is gnarly!

Yep, definitely is, I fought his Kitana before. I'm still looking foward to see you come out losers to play you again, you never know :)

it was fun playing with you and ames a day or so ago.
Yep, definitely is, I fought his Kitana before. I'm still looking foward to see you come out losers to play you again, you never know :)

it was fun playing with you and ames a day or so ago.

Mos def. Fun as hell, our bouts. You are unreal.
Okay guys, I'm extending the time to get these first bracket fights going. Meanwhile, if you are ready to proceed then standby.

FWIW, I have contacted Ultimatespidey1 about 5 times but he has not responded. If your opponent does not respond after repeated attempts at contact, post here and they will be disqualified.

Match 1
Sektor Vs. Mileena

Match 2
Mileena Vs. Mileena
Winner: Saibot's Mileena

Match 2

Got daym, I should have stuck with El Sektorrrr. Good fight dude :)