
More gameplay would be most choice. However I'm getting to the point where I don't want to see much more fatalities shown or otherwise kool stuff that would be more fun seeing upon release for yourself. I know there are a ton of secrets left to discover, so I'm not too worried.

That is true, I know exactly how you feel. It's hard waiting though lol.
On Topic: It'll be interesting to see how all the other heroes view Stryker and how he views them; hopefully they will all meet each other somewhere in the story.
The first time I saw him in MKT, I got "hard". It must've been the pants he was wearing. But I was in 3rd grade then. lol ;-)
@Kelpser how happy were you when your boy got revealed?

I'll be honest, I expected it. Just like how you were getting rather anxious about not seeing Liu Kang and I told you to wait it out, I was patient enough to know that he was in the game. Plus the voice leaks did help. But yeah, I was very pleased. :D
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Stryker will be my main for sure. Gameplay looks awesome. I am not excited about his taser though and I don't think his taser fatality will be good. It looks too big and unrealistic and I am sure the victim will just be electricuted and either fry or blow up.... Hopefully his other(s) will be better.
I don't like how Stryker's hat is facing straight now instead of backwards.

I liked him in MK3 because his character was described as a cop who gone mad/renegade and he sort looked like it too from the images. But now in MK9 he looks like a good guy. He doesn't look bad-ass anymore.
I don't like how Stryker's hat is facing straight now instead of backwards.

I liked him in MK3 because his character was described as a cop who gone mad/renegade and he sort looked like it too from the images. But now in MK9 he looks like a good guy. He doesn't look bad-ass anymore.

I'd have to disagree with you on that. Stryker was never portrayed as a mad/renegade type of guy in MK3; he was perfectly sane for a guy who just watched everyone around him get their souls sucked out ;). He was leader of the RCB and he was one of the chosen warriors. I will admit though, his MK3 character portrait did make him look kind of insane lol. I like how he looks in MK9 though; in my opionion his MK9 outfit is better than his MK3 one, though they are pretty similar. Also, I do kinda miss his backwards hat haha. Maybe that'll be his alternate or a dlc costume.
Stryker still doesn't look like he belongs in the MK Universe to me.

No offense meant, but that logic doesn't really work. The Mortal Kombat universe revolves around EarthRealm. EarthRealm is Earth with some fantasy elements thrown in. So, anything on Earth fits EarthRealm. That includes a cop (stryker), people from the Special Forces (Jax, Sonya), crime bosses (Kano), and so on.

I've always loved Stryker because even though the other people I listed are from EarthRealm just like him. He doesn't have any super natural abilities. He's just a regular guy going toe to toe with Sorcerer's, Demons, and all sorts of crazy $%!#. He's like the Batman of MK.
No offense meant, but that logic doesn't really work. The Mortal Kombat universe revolves around EarthRealm. EarthRealm is Earth with some fantasy elements thrown in. So, anything on Earth fits EarthRealm. That includes a cop (stryker), people from the Special Forces (Jax, Sonya), crime bosses (Kano), and so on.

I've always loved Stryker because even though the other people I listed are from EarthRealm just like him. He doesn't have any super natural abilities. He's just a regular guy going toe to toe with Sorcerer's, Demons, and all sorts of crazy $%!#. He's like the Batman of MK.

I agree with everything you said; thats one of the reasons why I liked Stryker so much. He was the regular EarthRealm guy among all these guys with weird powers, yet he still handled his business; plus he was awesome to play with in UMK3, so that doesn't hurt ;).

I'm sure they won't, but I hope in story mode, they don't treat Stryker like they treated Deathstroke in MKvsDC; Deathstroke was cool and all but he was basically Joker's play toy. I'm positive they won't though.
No offense meant, but that logic doesn't really work. The Mortal Kombat universe revolves around EarthRealm. EarthRealm is Earth with some fantasy elements thrown in. So, anything on Earth fits EarthRealm. That includes a cop (stryker), people from the Special Forces (Jax, Sonya), crime bosses (Kano), and so on.

I've always loved Stryker because even though the other people I listed are from EarthRealm just like him. He doesn't have any super natural abilities. He's just a regular guy going toe to toe with Sorcerer's, Demons, and all sorts of crazy $%!#. He's like the Batman of MK.

The genre of Mortal Kombat is basically sword-and-sorcery. Using your logic, they could arrest Sub-Zero and put him in prison for the rest of his life after a fatality. Would that be "realistic," since it's Earthrealm? Yes. But everyone would hate it because it's just not Mortal Kombat. Why not have Sonya & Jax go after North Korea, and make the next MK game all about Iran-North Korea vs. US... could that be "realistic" since it's Earthrealm? Sure. But it's just not Mortal Kombat.
Strykeris a really kool kharacter. Sure he may have not been popular in MK3 but that is only because Ed Boon said that he looks boring. So nobody wanted to play with him. I do not have the video/interview of when he said this but he did. In this new game, Stryker kan be a key role in the story since it is khanging. And, he actually looks pretty evil. Have you seen his face in his outro if you don't do a Fatality with him? He looks like he doesn't give a damn what happens to you. I think they also made him look good in this game so that people will like him better. Overall, I really like Stryker. And he is a good kharacter, better than any of those dumb kharacaters than past MK4.
His winning outro is pretty cool though; automatic fatality? heck yeah! lol; and the way he just stares at us after he throws the grenade and the blood is all over his face is pretty awesome.
"Police Brutality, Coming Up!" <3
The genre of Mortal Kombat is basically sword-and-sorcery. Using your logic, they could arrest Sub-Zero and put him in prison for the rest of his life after a fatality. Would that be "realistic," since it's Earthrealm? Yes. But everyone would hate it because it's just not Mortal Kombat. Why not have Sonya & Jax go after North Korea, and make the next MK game all about Iran-North Korea vs. US... could that be "realistic" since it's Earthrealm? Sure. But it's just not Mortal Kombat.
I never used the word realistic so I don't get where you're getting that from.

1. Jax and Sonya lead the OIA (Outworld Investigation Agency) They have bigger problems to deal with than Iran.
2. I said EarthRealm is Earth with fantasy elements. So, no. It is not about being "realistic." Fantasy directly contradicts realism.

Like I said, Stryker fits just as much as Sonya, Jax, Kano, Liu Kang, or anyone else from EarthRealm. The only thing that makes him different is his lack of supernatural abilities. Which, in my opinion, makes him all the more awesome.
I never used the word realistic so I don't get where you're getting that from.

1. Jax and Sonya lead the OIA (Outworld Investigation Agency) They have bigger problems to deal with than Iran.
2. I said EarthRealm is Earth with fantasy elements. So, no. It is not about being "realistic." Fantasy directly contradicts realism.

Like I said, Stryker fits just as much as Sonya, Jax, Kano, Liu Kang, or anyone else from EarthRealm. The only thing that makes him different is his lack of supernatural abilities. Which, in my opinion, makes him all the more awesome.

Stryker is NOT Earth with fantasy elements. Sonya & Jax are. Stryker isn't. He doesn't belong.
Stryker is NOT Earth with fantasy elements. Sonya & Jax are. Stryker isn't. He doesn't belong.
I never said he was mate. I said EarthRealm is Earth plus; Keyword "Plus" fantasy elements. Plus, meaning added. So, yes. Even things that are NOT fantasy. Such as, the Subway level. Fit.

Edit* I don't think this debate is getting us anywhere really. We each have our own different opinions that won't budge obviously ^_^