S.T.A.R Labs DLC Missions Unavailable

I'm reading that TYM is reporting that there are no unlockables.

If true, suck the goddick NRS, suck it dry
However I'm also reading that Scorpion's missions are badass. Something about Netherrealm versions of stages and how he mocks Doomsday or something
I have been all over TYM. Where did you see this? I read that someone was speculating there are no unlockables , but they didn't confirm it.
I read that on a Gamefaqs forum, they must have been wrong.
I'm DLing now. Will be back when I complete
Scorpion's first missions is in a crazy version of Metropolis with lava and brimstone everywhere. Shit is dope
You get nothing. I'm about to 3 star Scorpion's, because they're really easy. But I'm almost certain I'll get nothing
I got at least 1 star in all of Batgirl's missions and I did not get anything. I thought that if we got any skins it would work like the New 52 Shazam skin where you had to get at least 1 star in all his missions to get the skin.

Shame would have been the perfect opportunity to give us the New 52 Batgirl skin :(
Well that's to be expected I guess. Nonetheless it's still very disappointing. NRS dropped the ball on this one. Major opportunity missed.
You need to redownload the Season pass to get them for free.

And nobody likes Stars Missions. And if they do, and you know who they are, kill them
I (somewhat) enjoy them. They are a little fun sometimes. They are more fun if you try to get 3 stars. Try the Batman one where you have to fight the soldiers while the helicopter is shooting at you. I did 123 then JI2'd over the helicopter bullets then continued my combo. Beast.
I guess NRS will never release DLC character alt skins. They should probably make the primary skin better then. Scorpions and Lobos are pretty good , but Batgirls and Zods suck pretty bad.