RIP Shirley Temple

R.I.P. Homegirl

My grandmother had a massive collection of her movies and I remember watching them all the time when I was a kid. Its crazy that she lived this long after going through breast cancer and surviving. She is without a doubt a legend RIP.
Shirley Temple being a cancer survivor is news to me. I wonder how long ago that was...

And if you have any elderly relatives named Shirley, then chances are her parents picked that name because of Shirley Temple. I have 3 such relatives, including my maternal grandmother.

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Headline reads "CHILD star dies AT 85" why are people mourning her as if she is still that little girl?!? She was a grown ass woman!
I'm sure if you just said her name people would know who you were referring to. Same with McCauley and the the Olsen twins
I'm sure if you just said her name people would know who you were referring to. Same with McCauley and the the Olsen twins

Part of that is to get people to read it. Not everyone knows who she is, and, without saying a name, you are grabbing the curiosity of people who will give the page hits.
The really amazing thing about her to me is that she was a successful person who had no reason to work, but she WANTED to do something to benefit other people. I really don't see the Olsens becoming anything other than faces people see on reruns.
The really amazing thing about her to me is that she was a successful person who had no reason to work, but she WANTED to do something to benefit other people. I really don't see the Olsens becoming anything other than feces people see on reruns.

Fixed that for ya. :stormtrooper: