2 reasons why I am Pro gun:
1) It is our constitutional right to bear arms
2) Guns do not act upon free will when they are used to kill another person. They are inanimate objects incapable of murder, malice or ill will.
A person can use an XBox 360 controller or a PS3 unit to kill another person. Let's outlaw 360 controllers and PS3.
A kid can use a rope to hang himself and commit suicide. Let's outlaw ropes.
A gang member on the street can randomly cut someone's face for gang initiation. Let's outlaw knives.
A murder-minded heiress can use a pillow to smother her rich grandmother. Let's outlaw pillows.
A person can drown another in water. Let's make interaction with water illegal.
A kid can kill his friend by poorly imitating a wrestling move. Let's outlaw wrestling, it is clearly WWE or TNA's fault.
A kid with a warped sense of reality can kill his little sister by trying to imitate a Fatality. Let's ban that horrible Mortal Kombat that clearly influenced that kid and COMMANDED him to murder his little sister.
UH OH...did I hit your rage button with that last one?
See how ridiculous all of the above statements are? Guns are only as dangerous as the person wielding them and are no more dangerous than any other object used for murder, malice or ill-will in the acting person's hands. People in this thread have commented that they "know gun owners who are nut jobs". I happen to know at least 18 people who own guns. None of them are "nut jobs" or "psychos". None of them hunt or willingly take the life of another person or animal. We go to the shooting range for fun. We keep guns for home defense. We're perfectly normal people.
The Truth...it stings but it's still the truth. Those of you who have a logical sense of this question and have a mature standpoint on it as to why it's NOT wrong to own a gun, then I am glad. For those of you immediately taking the "No, guns kill people" stance, grow up and learn more about the subject before making ignorant statements. You are fully within your right to disagree with the ownership of a gun, that is your prerogative. Just don't make asinine statements like "Guns are evil and kill people" because they do not. Yes, the are weapons. They are instruments of killing. But they do not possess free will to make that choice.
I don't think people are concerned about being beaten to death by an X-Box controller or trying to prevent suicides. I think people are scared of folks who can create a vector between themselves and our vital organs through which a bullet can be propelled from a long distance at great speeds. Guns aren't some benign blunt object where force of will needs to be mustered to end a life. It's a handle and a spout that you point at things to kill them at the push of a button. Simple and easy. Effortless even.
The shooting in Arizona: the gunman acquired his gun legally. Nobody was spared because he wasn't supposed to use them on him. The 'guns don't kill people, people kill people' argument is moot, because nobody would debate that there are bad people out there. The problem is, the bad people don't really need to make much of an effort to do the bad things they want to do with a gun in their hand.
I don't think anti-gun people mean to infer that all gun ownership is bad; I just think we're less informed about all the good gun owners because they wind up on the news less. "Tennesse man shoots bottle, had fun" isn't exactly a buzz worthy headline. Meanwhile, I see somebody gunned down at my local mall, and my first thought is, man, I really wish that guy didn't have that gun.
To be fair, I don't know the solution. I'm pretty much down for all kinds of freedom, but it's not a freedom I personally want to use, and that may actually threaten my life. I do know however that pro-gun people need to come up with more compelling arguments for gun ownership than 'it's in the constitution' and 'we can have one because we're not evil.' Being able to do something in of itself doesn't make it 'right'. It's also legal to lie on the news, but I doubt anybody would call that moral or right. I'm not saying these things should be illegal, just that legality shouldn't be where the conversation stops. A lot of people believe smoking should be illegal, and I think that's bull, it shouldn't be illegal, but I'd still try and have a conversation with them as to whether or not they should smoke.
One argument I can agree on is the whole home-protection thing. Problem is, what does anybody say they buy a gun for if not home protection or hunting? You can't rightly protect your home with an Uzi or an AK-47. So maybe pistols are okay, and more military-grade stuff would be illegal to own for home-protection? I don't know.
Anyway, my point is, you own a gun, you're a decent person. Bully for you. More power to you. Not everyone is as good a dude as you though. Maybe we can find a way to keep them out of the hands of nut jobs before we decide to give them to anybody who passes a test, endures the waiting period, and doesn't have a criminal record. Again, not all gun owners are nut jobs. Just the ones that shoot people. Those are the ones we have a problem with.