i don't know who's that girl. john tobias is the other head. the guy with the spike is vogel i think and the guy hanging on the pillar is dan forden.
Perfect thanks!
i don't know who's that girl. john tobias is the other head. the guy with the spike is vogel i think and the guy hanging on the pillar is dan forden.
Love that Scorpion, here they are side by side;
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I took some artistic license. I prefer them looking at you. It's a bit more threatening, and a little creepy. Like, perhaps they could come to life.
The left one looks like John Tobias then Tony Goskie in the middle with the long hair, then the third one is probably John Vogel.
I have the walk anim working pretty good now, just need to animate the cloth.
I think I made the pants a little too baggy now. Why don't I notice these things till after posting???
Thanks for the critique I'll fix these things and post an update.
Let me know if there's anything else, I need the feed back.
i love the walking animation, it needs some fixes but is looking very good ATM
i think it looks great with the extra frames, i'll make a test with a huge graphic file adding extra frames and see if it run smooth, loading time etc.
the characters is too big. i don't know if you (Bleed) will render all the frames at the same size as the last animation and then resize it. the character should be around 85% of the actual size