I don't know how old you are, but I've noticed that as I've gotten older, I don't get nearly as "hyped", ever for things I'm actually excited about. MKX came out in 2015. Is it possible you've just outgrown getting hyped about this kind of thing? Just a thought.
Nah. I am not that type. I create stuff every day so I can dance and get hyped any day, but stuff has to be good. To be honest I think it is just high expectations. I was really hoping for something different. Maybe this Injustice 2 feeling not running for me, or just character designs. (Also my age is under my avatar. I am 27. According to current society standards, I am supposed to be now... senior citizen?)
Baraka looks boooooooring. And I have nothing against the guy. We need more non human characters, but he is just... meh.
Kronika... I hoped for more divine feeling, but just cliche design as usual.
Sonya Blade... mah usual main, but holy shit. Do something about her boring design. I am down for military gear, but this one is just too bland. We still have to see Young Sonya. Maybe she will look better. But judging by the current artsyle...
Yeah you know. I think I see my problem. I was hoping for more mystical look. Something that fits MK lore better for me. But everything feels so... modernized. I think that Special Forces stuff is just getting too much. Skarlet face is ok, but... she feels too modern. While I kinda like her outfit without the hat, it still screams too much of... MODERN.
Combat system feels too cinematic. That's cause I prefer speed I guess. I don't like interruptions that slow down the game mid match.
Character movement feels restricted now. Like they are carrying weights or something.
Overall this feels too much of Injustice 2 for me. I was expecting more ritualistic clothing, but again. I might be surprised when they reveal more content.
Even so menus look lazy (I can't believe I am saying that, especially after liking simplistic MKX menu). That character screen just rubs me off the wrong way.
Yeah. It just doesn't have the feeling of being a world with Gods, Mystical creatures, and actual brutal combat. Just because they added tons of blood effects, doesn't really make combat fast and brutal. It feels like I am watching Nolan's version of Mortal Kombat?
And trust me I was hyped af before reveal, but after seeing gameplay, the fire died down.

R version. Art design and gameplay wise, it isn't what I expected. Like at all. I could go as far and say it is 180 from what I expected. But that's just my opinion. Doesn't mean game is bad. I guess I just have these unusual tastes.