I must be the only one happy. Those comics were blatantly non canon, anyone could see that. It's not up to me or to any of you you to try to join contradicting events because Kittelsen and NRS were writing two different stuff. People might dislike the direction MKX took, I have my critics about it too, but I stick with the game 100%.
Sure, the comics had glorious moments for characters like Kotal (and some others too, specially in the early beginnings), but I don't miss them, instead I think MK11 could have portrayed someone like him better.
I honestly couldn't like comics that were conflicting DIRECTLY with MKX, the time periods, Ermac's relationship with Mileena, Black Dragon with Erron Black, kids in Outworld, Sky Temple, Red Dragon and Onaga, and a lot more. A little here and there is still canon, Sub-Zero acknowledges Kano made the scar, because of course they should keep some BS.
Besides, the comics were written by someone outspokenly a Havik fan. Nothing against it, but that was the only way someone could slip under the door this delusional romance of the character being a mastermind of anything. Havik is, to the date of this message, a fanatic zealot and that's it. He's not even a tertiary antagonist, a character like Dairou has more backstory and plot potential than him. If people wanna rewrite him more interestingly, sure, power to 3D era, but ffs, we don't have to break the entire system and potentially screw other plots.
But who knows, we live in an era where "Mileena [is] Queen of Mortal Kombat".
I agree.
NRS really needs to get Vogel back to doing more of the writing and hire someone else as equally competent to help in the writing department.
For fvcks sake, is there no way that they can hire Tobias back in any measure, even if it's just as a special consultant for the lore and story part of the games???
100% agreed. I personally think the Tobias-Vogel build up of the universe is genius. I honestly liked some changes made from MK9 to now, Tobias himself has acknowledged they were necessary to keep going, and I think more opportunities were created, but I still miss their take.
I honestly see the abstraction of characters and places Tobias did with the concrete stuff Vogel came up to flesh out the first as absolutely fantastic. I like stuff Dom did, but the dauntlessness of the OG timeline is something we don't see anymore.