MK HD Kollection. Not what we hoped.
Hi, first post, probably a bad way to start off but please remember I respect everyone's opinions on this forum, these are just my thoughts on the topic. Anyway...
I hate to say it and I hope I eat my words, but as much as it is my dream to have proper HD remakes of the classic MK games, I'm positive it's nothing more than wishful thinking. It's been stated that new actors are re-shot in HD (and let's not forget HD frame rate, as opposed to just sprite replacement of the original frames), and so you have to wonder how exactly this game is going to be presented.
Based on the premise that the devs are aiming for ultra-realism due to digitized actors, you'd be looking at ultra-realistic backgrounds, blood, fatalities and everything else the games contain. As for fatalities, anyone imagine how shocking these would be? Forget MK9's 3D models, we're talking real actors in HD. Rating denied.
Could such a game exist, done properly? Impossible. Games that look like live-action movies are still well out of our reach. Done to the best of our technology, it would look hilarious, in the worst possible way. Let's not forget costumes, props, and all otherworldly aspects of the games. Remember HD is DETAIL, which means you can't get away with claymation shokans, budget tarkatan masks, painted metal arms and so forth. It didn't matter back when the games were first made because at that tiny resolution, who is going to notice? Making a game like that today, you need a few things to make it look good. Which brings me to my next point, discussing the only way this game could be created successfully in the way it's been rumoured, and because of that, why it won't be created at all in the way you hope.
For MKHD to look any good, it needs to be highly stylised, it needs a specific art direction. All captured footage would have to undergo an artistic process of transformation, for it to blend in with all the CG elements it'll be surrounded by. All characters and all of their actions, all of the environments, would need to be aesthetically consistent. Such a thing demands attention to detail. The kind of attention to detail that MK9 requires, on the kind of budget it receives. Because MK9 IS the HD remake, the rebirth of classic MK. It's why it's had so much time and effort invested in it, why it's been promoted so long before its release date. So why would WB even consider making the rumoured version of MKHD, making another expensive MK game, also in the classic style, when they're already working on one? From a business perspective, it makes no sense. And to add insult to injury, it's supposed to be released next month. With only a few months of production underway, without a hint of official confirmation, or any kind of promotion besides leaked box art. And the release can't really be delayed can it? After all, that MK9 demo needs to be released before the full game does.
I know TRMK is a trusted, respected website. But no matter how reliable your sources are, I can't believe them because I can't see any logic in what they've stated.
You all want to see the Mortal Kombat HD Arcade Kollection? Check out Environment Bio #1. Because that upscaled footage with new audio is the best we're going to get. And if you think about it, it's been promoted about as much as it deserves. Just like that Prince of Persia HD Trilogy it was announced along with on many game sites. That *upscaled* PoP HD Trilogy.
At the end of the day, we'll all still be buying it, because it does in fact contain a demo of an MK HD remake...Mortal Kombat 2011.