Martian Manhunter not happening as DLC? (C2E2 interview with Ed Boon)

He has the best avatars. His old one was a picture of Macho Man Randy Savage elbow dropping Jesus
So based off the tweets from Boon im going to go with Zod being announced next week, shouldnt be much of a suprise and MMH will be the first character in the second set of DLC characters.
Plot Twist : Manhunter DLC is just an add on to the Watchtower Level where you hit the interactive button and Martian Manhunter knocks the fvck out of you.
Im sorry, did you type something, I was too busy starting at Glacius to read it ;)

Sorry for off topic but this is getting unacceptable. 2013 and no new Killer Instinct game? come the F on. Hopefully that leak is true and a new KI will be revealed during the Microsoft E3 conference
No he doesn't, he levitates.

i'll leave this here

from dc wiki

Flight: The Martian Manhunter flies by manipulation of gravitons (a subatomic particle associated with the force of gravity), manipulation of magnetic fields and control of his absolute molecular movement (a telekinetic effect).[citation needed] These combine to give him the ability to fly great distances with little fatigue and at great speed. He has been seen to fly at Mach 10 speeds (7690 mph) in the Earth's atmosphere. Speeds faster than this cause great environmental damage and are avoided unless absolutely necessary. His bio-polymorphic skin and overall toughness make these speeds bearable and cause him no injury. The Manhunter has also been seen flying in space with no difficulty, and in space he can fly at speeds that has allowed him to keep up with the likes of even Superman. J'onn can therefore fly at speeds exceeding the escape velocity of earth (7 miles per second) under his own power.