New member
This is why I was hoping that none of the dead characters would come back for MKX.
If this is Kung Lao, then NRS has opened the floodgate for "Please bring back _____________."
So much for new and post-MK3 characters.
I guess people want to see the same rehashed shit.
I hope that MKX doesn't turn out to be just a bullshit MK GOLD version 2.0.
Less than half the cast from MK9 appear to be returning, so it is not a rehash. It does not matter if it opens up a flood gate since dead characters have always returned in MK whether fans like it or not and I doubt the producers would care if a small proportion of fans demand Nightwolf to come back. Most new characters after MK3 were awful, but there is enough room for the good ones, and enough room for the new characters.
Kung Lao was one of the most popular characters, so from a strategic standpoint, it was completely the right decision to bring him back.