final dlc charachter tomorrow


its been 2 years since i been here so forgive me

hector tweeted they will show the final dlc off tomorrow

based on the leak wich pretty much came true im guessing it is zod. but if you look back at scorpions trailer we were teased with martian manhunter who by the way was leaked ( from same guy from first pass) in a second pass that includes redhood powergirl and sub zero.

They could always save zod for later and release man hunter as part of the first batch of dlc. Personally id rather have zod first.
They could always save zod for later and release man hunter as part of the first batch of dlc. Personally id rather have zod first.

id rather both get released the same day honestly. one for promotional reasons ( man of steel) the other for fan service
Zod will be released first due to the movie coming out. I'm all for MMH and maybe Power Girl , but Red Hood and Sub-Zero ... no way! Give me Poison Ivy , Swamp Thing , Blue Beetle , Beast Boy , Vixen , Atrocitus , Gorilla Grodd , Brainiac , Black Canary , Red Tornado , etc.... Mostly Poison Ivy and of course MMH.
Zod will be released first due to the movie coming out. I'm all for MMH and maybe Power Girl , but Red Hood and Sub-Zero ... no way! Give me Poison Ivy , Swamp Thing , Blue Beetle , Beast Boy , Vixen , Atrocitus , Gorilla Grodd , Brainiac , Black Canary , Red Tornado , etc.... Mostly Poison Ivy and of course MMH.

eh we really dont need more batman charachters. replace ivy with constantine and i will agree

id trade sub zero for either zatana or huntress ( not enough females on the roster)

id also trade harley simply because she isnt what i call a top tier villain at all and id replace her with vixen

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I agree with Zatana but not Huntress. Too many gadget characters already. Vixen is a hero , plus Harley played a huge role in the story mode. I chose Ivy to add another female and to finish the trio of the Gotham girls along with Harley and Catwoman.
I agree with Zatana but not Huntress. Too many gadget characters already. Vixen is a hero , plus Harley played a huge role in the story mode. I chose Ivy to add another female and to finish the trio of the Gotham girls along with Harley and Catwoman.

new injustice comic mentions darkseids son fighting superman. i wonder if he will be in the game since the injustice comics have been hinting at playable charachters like ares and killer frost in the past
I'm not sure how they would incorporate him into the game as far as his gameplay style. There's not really enough to do with him. Typical fighting games only have 1 grappler , and that's Grundy.
Da fvck you talking about?

Wii Fit Trainer is awesome man, no sarcasm.
You're just mad cause you can't keep your balance.

from what i have heard via twitter and gamefaqs zod is sounding awesome so far. he may have some similar moves to superman but id love for it if they can give us a terance stamp skin from superman 2

wile we are at it and its superman week give us a chris reeves skin also

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