Dead or Alive 5

I never really minded the look before and I always thought it was the best looking 3D fighter, but it looks so much more cool now.
I am kind of torn between the looks. Something about that smoothed over look that I enjoyed. But with the new character models showing dirt and sweat, it needs a more realistic look to the models.
Helena with her hair down:


I really like it. I hope there is an option for it in-game.
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I am off tomorrow, we should play. I just ranked up to an A-! So excited haha, granted I used to be a SS years ago... until my HD died and stopped playing for 2 years...
My rank is really low now. I haven't played online with this save file until recently, and I haven't been doing to well.
How long have you been playing DOA?

DOA and MK are my top fighters as in gameplay and story. I just love both. I just never get bored of DOA. MK9 is strong but something about DOA4 has kept me playing since 2005.
I've been playing the series since DOA 2, and I was alright at that game. DOA 3 and Ultimate I was pretty good at, but this one I have trouble with.

I never got bored with the game, but online I've been enjoying Tekken and VF 5: Final Showdown more. I like the way the quick matches are set up in those games better.

Was just watching this video randomly and so that a snow stage returns at 2:15!!! I am so excited, I love the snow levels in DOA and was really bummed out it was excluded in 4.

We should play tonight E90.
I loved the snow stage from DOA 2. I remember if you did some thing specific at the end of the fight with Kasumi in Ayane's story mode then you'll get a little cut scene of her doing a chi blast to Kasumi.