I'm a crappy MK player (I'll admit it, I suck... hardcore. None of you will ever see me in an online match.) and I've made it to Challenge #214 without skipping any. Some are more difficult than others, some are just fun... But I've noticed they all teach you something about strategy with the characters. Each character, while essentially playing off the same mechanics, has unique strengths and weakness that can be exploited. The Challenge Tower, in addition to providing a break from the ho-hum doldrums of straight 2/3 VS. fights in Ladder, 'challenges' the player to learn these strengths and weaknesses by testing them in bizarre, unique and some even downright frustrating situations.
Now, speaking of the Tower, I have a question:
Has anyone completed all 300 Challenges without skipping any? Is Mileena's Flesh Pit costume REALLY the only prize for completing the entire Tower (whether you skip Challenges or not)? I used the search function, and all I found was a thread about the prize and everybody complaining how lame it was... however, it was mentioned that the person skipped a few Challenges, and no one ever gave a straight answer to similar questions.
Yes, I have. Yes, that is it.
I bought my way through the challenge tower. I'm not usually an angry gamer but some of the challenges were making me rage big time. I didn't want to put myself through the stress.
I had some problems on that Challenge where you control both Mileena and Baraka back-to-back. But I only bought my way through one challenge, the one where you have to connect all of Sub-Zero's special moves. The ground freeze is a pain in the ass to hit, but the real problem to me was his ice clone. The AI was just too smart to touch the ice clone. So I just gave up.
I think it's supposed to be hard, otherwise it'd just be called ''Tower''.