I would love to have Motaro in mk9 but since he is very physically different from all others characters and plays differently NRS may pull off something along the lines of 'bipedal Motaro' or something else so that he fits into the gameplay well but ruining his orginal Mk3 concept

I don't think they will have to reduce the amount of legs due to the fact that MK9 works on a 2D plane. In every other 3D game where Motaro was had a 3D plane and Midway didn't want to put effort in the animations. I think they might do a really good Motaro this time. Motaro will probably be just a new sub-boss character and probably not playable and he will definitely won't be playable online if he becomes a playable character.
Just give it time.
As for the choice: Motaro first because a complete MKT rooster will the thing which draws a line between the old games and the new ones. A complete rooster is the affirmation for a complete reboot and that people mustn't look back anymore and long for old things. This applies for costumes and stages, although the last one will be hard to get DLC without doing some work
Concerning X-Rays:
X-Rays will definitely work on him, I can assure you! Why will you probably ask. OK let's get technical (OK I'll try to explain it as easy as I can)
Compared to older games nowadays animations aren't per-rendered due to the new image quality and the resulting size of it. Therefore another solution was found called dynamical rendering. By just writing an instruction file to the graphic engine the image will be dynamically created from already available objects like skins and particle objects, forming the animation.Therefore they don't need to record each animation for each character separately. What are the advantages and disadvantages of it:
Advantage: Reduces space and enables tweaking and correction possibilities by just changing the instruction file therefore saving time
Disadvantages: High consumption of memory and processing power
By having this possibility at hand they just need to copy the X-ray instruction file, make some vectorial tweaks and then implement it as a second X-ray instruction, which will be put into action by activating the X-Ray on Motaro. It's not that time consuming to make such tweaks if you have more than two people. All in all the tweaks will take about one week.
Fox17 said:
No, I want more DLC's, besides Motaro wont be possible for a lot of technical issues.
Which technical issues?
An X-Ray issue? As you can see above this isn't an issue at all, the same applies for a fatality.
If you are talking about the leg animation then I must also disagree with you. Even if the game is presented in 3D the game still works on a 2D plane. And each skin is a two dimensional plane projected on an three dimensional skeleton. The majority of animations are still two dimensional. As in MK3 Motaro will probably do his sweeping move with his tail, therefore they mustn't animate his leg movements on three axis only on two. I understand they have to animate four of them to let the illusion arise that they move simultaneously but this isn't restricted by the engine itself only by the will of the animators.
If Motaro will come out he will definitely costs more than 5$ that's for sure but there aren't any technical restrictions, which I can see at the moment. Please correct me if I am mistaken.