10% OF THE WAY THERE.....(Mortal Kombat Comic/ Encyclopedia Related....Need Help)

We heard back this morning. Basically dk books wants to do the book, they shot an email to their contacts at wb/nrs but haven't heard anything back yet. They said there is a global acquisition meeting next week where the book will be discussed amongst all branches and they will essentially decide hopefully then.

What I am asking all of you to do, if you can on Twitter, is get anyone from nrs or wb to see the link to our petition. To send it to them via message or tell them that a major publishing company wants to do this book!
That would be really cool! What did you have in mind?

I basically could make a video about MK Encyclopedia. Might draw some characters and add text to show what we have in mind. Add links to petition and explain the current situation. I think making something visual would be even more effective than just spreading the word in text.
Sure! That would be amazing! I would greatly appreciate that!

So yeah then just gonna do few pages like this just finished (this one is draft) a cover for encyclopedia and gonna make a video then.

Know you said Maximillian couldn't help, but maybe you could try with a guy named AlphaOmegaSin. Dude has a fair number of subs and this seems like something he'd put word out about
Thanks for the heads up! We shot him a tweet or two. Hopefully he sees them!

Edit: Might be a tall order. Seems like a pretty busy guy.
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Bump - We pushed past 5000. We also reached out to DK again, and they've responded that the book is still in "discussions".
So, what's the situation of it right now?! I saw a thread on MKOnline, saying that Boon turned it down, but that you were going to try to send him a personal email. But that thread got deleted...
They received everything today. We just got confirmation. We sent a letter, the entire petition in paper format along with our mock ups and presentation. Dk is on board. Wb was even on board. It appears to be Ed holding things up on this book.
Here is the email that prompted our sending of everything to Ed, btw. This is an email between me and someone high up at DK books:

Hi Myke

I met with Warner Bros in LA last week; the news is not good. Apparently the game maker for Mortal Kombat has vetoed publishing in the past, I think it's because they just don't have the bandwidth to handle the asset requests and approvals. My contact at WB says it was a very clear no, without any wriggle room at all. He said he'd ask once more for us but I am not hopeful.

I will keep you updated. Thanks for your continued interest.

Basically speaking - Ed has vetoed publishing before (MKX Strat Guide) because Prima/Brady wanted to do it, but Ed said no. So, now WB and DK, while they want to do it, are gun shy.