Mortal Kombat HD Remix with MUGEN


i don't know who's that girl. john tobias is the other head. the guy with the spike is vogel i think and the guy hanging on the pillar is dan forden.

Perfect thanks!
Love that Scorpion, here they are side by side;

If you're looking for something free and big in capacity, try ADrive.
They offer 50GB of web storage space for free. I think it's the biggest free one.

Comparing the side by side movements, I would like to point out the the HD Scorpion's left hand is a little stiff (the hand that's down). Notice in the original frame, the forearm twists inward a little each time he moves as if he's tightening or turning something. And his frames should speed up just a little.
About the heads, I'll just quote myself from a few pages back:
The left one looks like John Tobias then Tony Goskie in the middle with the long hair, then the third one is probably John Vogel.

To be honest I'm only guessing who the long haired one is becuase it does kind of look like a girl but then again Tony Goskie had long hair back then. The links there bring you to pages with head shots of them. Would make sense though since the rest of them are programmers\artists on the game and he has long curly hair.
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Ah, I was going to say another possibilty of a midway staffer would be Mark Turmell. He certainly has the hair for it.. :P


But if anyone has a pic of Peg Burr then that would be fine. It does look female anyway.

BTW I think I know what was going on in the MKAK with the display such as in this screenshot:


and these

They seem to have decided to show the screen pillarboxed to 4:3 but also keep the PAR so the screen gets not only pillar boxed but slightly letterboxed which is window boxed since it's technically not 4:3 if you keep the PAR unless you distort it like in the arcade. If you removed the pillar boxes and then scaled the height while keeping the width proportional it may be the same as MAME. Some people wondered why even when set to the PAR in MAME it isn't framed the same way... that's because it's filling the height while keeping the width in MAME rather than how they chose to do it in the MKAK. More or less.. more below..

Actually if you compare the left and right sides there you'll see they slightly cropped the screen there doesn't seem to be as much space on the left and right sides. The way they did it is kind of odd. Just thought some might find this interesting. I don't think they did it entirely correct there in the MKAK. To be fair that kollection shipped with a lot of bugs so not everything is correct despite it being an official release.

In short it's window boxed and cropped. Actually when I come down to it I made a faux MKAK screen from an OPR MAME shot and adding in decorated pillarboxes and it apears they even used a little bit of squashing on the MKAK. I know what you are thinking.. "Smoke, you are judging it by eye they are the same"... well look.. the distorted one that is smaller in width is the MKAK.. the wider one is the game in MAME at the OPR. I cropped out the window box from the MKAK and overlayed what was left onto my MAME shot:


Here's my faux MKAK screenshot using the "OPR" and adding decorated pillar boxes to it.

Also I'm guessing they chose to crop it on the right side to cover up that strange gap it has there and then just kept the same arrangement for the other games. This is how the MKAK should have looked if you want the OPR.

This is just trivial information though and has little bearing to this project since it's being done to the OPR and is going to be 16:9 widescreen removing those thin bars my faux MKAK has.
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@smoke.tetsu my thoughts on those design choices in MKAK are that they're due to the CRT simulator. Since the OPR was squashed onto 4:3 monitors originally, the CRT sim makes sense but consequently forces that ratio on the game regardless of display options.
Any inaccuracies/oddities are probably a result of compromises made for aesthetic reasons, or just bad judgement.
First, great work, guys. But you need to organize the things better.
The first post should be edited, and aways updated. It must introduce the project and describe the goals and who are the guys currently working on the project, and what they are doing. This way anyone who enter this topic will clearly understand the project and the progress. It will also avoid people from working the same thing, and from reading 60 pages. It took me about 4 days to read all 60 pages and know the you made.

I'll try to make a list showing the goals and progress.
Someone should contact Spawn16, since he did the first post.
If you guys agree.

I think I made the pants a little too baggy now. Why don't I notice these things till after posting???


His right arm is entering inside his cloth. I know you didn't animate the cloth yet.

Calactyte, in the Pit Bottom, the dead guy who looks like Scorpion has long hair(braid). Also, did you know you can edit your posts?
Thanks Caru

Some notes

I started off by tracing every sprite, after that I had to tweak the animation to make it play smoother. Removing some key frames, adding a few at the end.

The pose was changed a little to have the animation flow smoother.

I still think straight up tracing is going to look like crap, or maybe I'm just not that good. I have to make some little tweaks for it to look halfway decent, and this seems to be the case with every animation.

The lighting was made to match the sprites, but feels too strong IMO. I liked it better when it was darker.

I'll fix the thumb on his right hand, I move the bones and now it's out of place... easy fix. It's another thing I noticed after posting.

Let's see ... What else?

He's got a smaller waist, bigger head and smaller feet.

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Great, Bleed, if you want to keep this high quality, you'll have to work a lot. First, there is something wrong with his belt in the circled area, and in one specific frame his left leg is entering inside his right leg.
Here is the list of what should be in the first post, in my opinion. It's an example, it was made in a hurry, i can't remember everyone who offered to work and everything that have been done, I've only put names of who are really working. The goals and progress are not really accurate.
What do you think guys?

Also, i think Badmouse was making a Raiden, but can't remember.



SCREENS: (All scrrens are done)

Badmouse - CWO* Warrior Shrine, Goro Lair
SubZera - CWO Palace Gates
Calactyte - CWO The Pit, Pit Bottom

Bleed - CWO Scorpion, Sub Zero, Reptile

MK9 - CWO Blood
MikeyMK - Liu Kang's fireball



*CWO = Currently working on

GOALS = 100%
Programing = 35% (from total)

--(Menu,Option,Select,Versus,profiles,etc) -30% (from Programing)

--Jhonny Cage -7% (from Programing)
--Kano -7%
--Sub Zero -7%
--Sonya -7%
--Raiden -7%
--Liu Kang -7%
--Scorpion -7%
--Goro -7%
--Shang Tsung -7%
--Raptile -7%

Graphics = 35% (from total)

--Title - 1% (from graphics)
--Character Select - 1%
--Battle Plan - 1%
--Vs. Screen - 1%
--Character Ending - 1%
--Menu - 1%
--Character Profile - 1%
--UI, Fonts - 2%

-Battle Stages:
--Palace Gates - 1% (from graphics)
--Courtyard - 1%
--Throne Room - 1%
--Warrior Shrine - 1%
--Pit Stage Top and Bottom - 2%
--Goro Lair - 1%

--Jhonny Cage - 8% (from graphics)
--Kano - 8%
--Sub Zero - 8%
--Sonya - 8%
--Raiden - 8%
--Liu Kang - 8%
--Scorpion - 8%
--Goro - 8%
--Shang Tsung - 8%
--Raptile -8%

Graphical Effects: 3% (from graphics)

Audio = 30% (from total)

-Musics - 25% (from audio)
-Sound Effects - 25%
-Fighters voices - 25%
-Shao Khan/Announcer Voice - 25%


Overall Progress = 3%
Programing Progress = ?%
-Screens: ?
Graphics = %
--Title - 100%
--Character Select - 100%
--Battle Plan - 100%
--Vs. Screen - 100%
--Character Ending - 100%
--Character Profile - 100%
--UI, Fonts - 90%

-Battle Stages:
--Palace Gates - 80%
--Courtyard - 0%
--Throne Room - 100%
--Warrior Shrine - 70%
--Pit Stage Top and Bottom - 90%
--Goro Lair - 80%

--Jhonny Cage - 0%
--Kano - 0%
--Sub Zero - 0%
--Sonya - 0%
--Raiden - 0%
--Liu Kang - 0%
--Scorpion - (modelled) 2%
--Goro - 0%
--Shang Tsung - 0%
--Raptile - 0%

Graphical Effects: 0%

Audio Progress = 0%
-Musics - 0%
-Sound Effects - 0%
-Fighters voices - 0%
-Shao Khan/Announcer Voice - 0%
Thanks for the critique I'll fix these things and post an update.

Let me know if there's anything else, I need the feed back.


Hand twitch fixed

Belt clipping fixed

Leg clipping fixed

Thumb position fixed

now rendering...
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Thanks for the critique I'll fix these things and post an update.

Let me know if there's anything else, I need the feed back.

Hi Bleed,

Meant to ask how are you going about creating the scorpion animation? I guess it's something like Scorp_StandingPose.max, Scorp_Walking.max as separate files. But I was wondering if you were using Containers or Xrefs so that you can apply a lighting change to all the files at once easily. I'm just curious to see how you would be tackling that.

Scorpions walk looks great btw! I really like the cloth animation. I'm thinking that this will look so much smoother with the extra frames of animation in there. As we've discussed, I don't think it'll affect game play if the movements just look smoother but maintain the key poses. Great work man.
i love the walking animation, it needs some fixes but is looking very good ATM
i think it looks great with the extra frames, i'll make a test with a huge graphic file adding extra frames and see if it run smooth, loading time etc.
the characters is too big. i don't know if you (Bleed) will render all the frames at the same size as the last animation and then resize it. the character should be around 85% of the actual size
I've been thinking about using Xref, but it's something I've never used before, so I'm not too sure what I can do with it yet.

I'm making all the animations on the same file, just adding them along the time line. Like how the .sff sprite file is made for Mugen.

I like it that way, mainly because it's easy for me to tweak any animation and copy frames from it to another.

Xref sounds like a clever idea, it's something I can try.

I have a ton of copies of my work btw, I'm not saving over the same file over and over.


The rendering is almost finished, I should have the update ready in a few minutes.

The sprite can be any size, we need a scale reference to work with.

What I was thinking was to take a screen shot of MK1. Scale it up in Photoshop to match the size of this project. See how big the characters need to be for that specific resolution and render them at that size.

That turns out to be pretty close to the last render, I think.
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Interloko are you cool with making a scaled version of how big the character should be rendered to be used as a template for Bleed?

i love the walking animation, it needs some fixes but is looking very good ATM
i think it looks great with the extra frames, i'll make a test with a huge graphic file adding extra frames and see if it run smooth, loading time etc.
the characters is too big. i don't know if you (Bleed) will render all the frames at the same size as the last animation and then resize it. the character should be around 85% of the actual size