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Origin: Realm of Order
Alignment: Neutral
Allies: Darrius & Damashi
Foes: Hotaru
Difficulty: 5
Fighting Styles: Wing Chun, Escrima
Weapon Name: Autumn Dao
I was once a member of the Seidan Guard. I believed in the power of Order and lived by the strict codes of my superiors. I had saved many lives during my years of service. But when I killed an assailant in a fit of rage, I was arrested and sentenced to a life of incarceration. For all the good I had done, the event that had come to define me was that one moment of Chaos. I eventually escaped during a riot incited by the Resistance.
Normally Dairou took no risks and ambushed those he had been hired to kill. But in this case, he felt compelled to announce his intentions to kill his fellow Guardsman, Hotaru. There still must have been some code of honor left in his cynical heart. Hotaru was defeated... but before Dairou could reveal who had commissioned. the attack Hotaru drew his dying breath.