<b>GameTrailers</b> has a <a href="http://www.gametrailers.com/player/38956.html">special sneak peek</a> of the <b>special moves</b> and <b>fighting mechanics</b> of <b>The Joker</b>, originally shot for the <b>GameTrailers TV</b> show on <b>SpikeTV</b>. In addition, we are given a glimpse of the <b>Rage Meter</b> in action. Finally at the end, we are given the first look of <b>The Joker</b> tricked out <b>Fatality</b>. The video speaks for itself. Check it out.
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We can see that the <b>green cloud</b> move is a guessing game move that allows the player to perform different attacks out of the cloud. Definitely an unorthodox character for a <b>Mortal Kombat</b> game; however, it appears that this added element of variety falls right within <b>Mortal Kombat's</b> history of humor and violence. The biggest shocking moment is the gruesomeness of the gun shot to the head in <b>The Joker's</b> fatality, given the game's targeted <b>T for Teen</b> rating.
Thanks <b>DeathcoreRyknow</b>!
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We can see that the <b>green cloud</b> move is a guessing game move that allows the player to perform different attacks out of the cloud. Definitely an unorthodox character for a <b>Mortal Kombat</b> game; however, it appears that this added element of variety falls right within <b>Mortal Kombat's</b> history of humor and violence. The biggest shocking moment is the gruesomeness of the gun shot to the head in <b>The Joker's</b> fatality, given the game's targeted <b>T for Teen</b> rating.
Thanks <b>DeathcoreRyknow</b>!
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