Kenshi Gameplay Trailer, DLC Arrives July 5th

Patrick McCarron

TRMK Admin, Co-founder
Staff member
Today <a href="">exclusively on GameSpot</a> we get the first look at the <a href="">trailer for the upcoming Kenshi DLC</a>. Revealed in the trailer is the release date of next week, <b>Tuesday July 5th, 2011</b>.

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Like last weeks Skarlet DLC, Kenshi will be sold for <b>$4.99</b> or <b>400 Microsoft Points</b>. Those who purchased the <a href="">Kombat Season Pass</a> for Xbox 360 will receive the Kenshi DLC for the discounted rate of <b>0 Microsoft Points</b>, so grab the Season Pass deal while you still can.
Re: Kenshi DLC Gameplay Trailer, Arrives July 5th

Awesome, I can't wait! I got the season pass so I will download him right away. It's not free though, it's just pre-ordered DLC.

I was hoping he would have been more of a classic swordsman with not many powers. Just something like a more believeable character with no powers like Stryker. But he still looks really good so I can't complain.
Kenshi is awesome. One of my favorites.

PS: Did he just pull a Nightwolf? He can reflect projectiles.... :)
I think I found a new main now, sorry Smoke hit the bricks.

Ha thats exactly what I thought when I saw the trailer. those combos and those fatalities he may be the coolest so far in my opinion.

I really like the way they did the telekinesis part of him i would have never of thought to do it that way.
Very crazy. I'm guessing all those specials are from his ancestors, helping him out, but they're definitely mainly swords attack. Nice. Next week, I'm getting that damn season pass for it.
He'll be released with 2 klassic skins like Skarlet DLC?


MK2 Noob and Smoke
The best presentation of Kenshi in all Mortal Kombat games until now with brilliant fatalities!

His telekinetic moves combined with his sword are outstanding (especially the fact that he has a scabbard for the first time)

It's a definite buy!

Also I like the fact that they are going to release the classical palette swaps costumes with Kenshi.

The question is, what will come with Rain?
The best presentation of Kenshi in all Mortal Kombat games until now with brilliant fatalities!

His telekinetic moves combined with his sword are outstanding (especially the fact that he has a scabbard for the first time)

It's a definite buy!

Also I like the fact that they are going to release the classical palette swaps costumes with Kenshi.

The question is, what will come with Rain?

Prolly MK 3 ninja costumes, hopefully all ninjas, or MK 3 costumes for others. I also hope that the MK2 ninja costumes are for all ninjas, they were my favorite ninja design. But prolly not.
To be honest, I've never given a crap about Kenshi, so I didn't have much in the way of expectations for this, but that was bad ass.
Re: Kenshi DLC Gameplay Trailer, Arrives July 5th

I was hoping he would have been more of a classic swordsman with not many powers. Just something like a more believeable character with no powers like Stryker. But he still looks really good so I can't complain.

I was wondering about that. As expected, looks like NRS nailed it once again. Lots of swordplay along with telekinetic powers that aren't blue Ermac moves.

Add him along with MK2 Noob & Smoke?? Oh boy...