
New member
I just bought one last weekend and it fucking rules. MK is absolutely gorgeous on it. Anyone else have one here?
Billbob40 has a really nice one. I think it's a 36", and it is badass. It was already a surround sound, but he ran it through his surround living room stereo, bought two wireless XBox controllers, a wireless feed through his cable connection for XBox Live and now he is sitting in theater style MK action on HD!!! Bastard! :x
Sucks the Xbox doesn't have digital audio but the picture is pretty bada ss with component video cables.
mahalo said:
Sucks the Xbox doesn't have digital audio but the picture is pretty bada ss with component video cables.
I haven't played Mk on Brett's system yet (Billybob's), but every other game I've played through it sound snad looks amazing, especially pumping through all the speakers he has mounted throughout the room. I get back in town on Saturday, and hopefully I'll swing by his place that night or Sunday and then I'll be online to play a bit. I'm hoping to have my XBox Live up and running within a week, so I'll let you know. By the way, I gave him your gamertag, he is looking for you online (or was at least a bit earlier). I have no idea what his tag is though.
whatashame said:
mahalo said:
Sucks the Xbox doesn't have digital audio but the picture is pretty bada ss with component video cables.
I haven't played Mk on Brett's system yet (Billybob's), but every other game I've played through it sound snad looks amazing, especially pumping through all the speakers he has mounted throughout the room. I get back in town on Saturday, and hopefully I'll swing by his place that night or Sunday and then I'll be online to play a bit. I'm hoping to have my XBox Live up and running within a week, so I'll let you know. By the way, I gave him your gamertag, he is looking for you online (or was at least a bit earlier). I have no idea what his tag is though.

I haven't been on Live at all since I have been shopping for my new TV and getting it set up. I should be on a lot this weekend. You have a free 2 month subscription card, right?
mahalo said:
whatashame said:
mahalo said:
Sucks the Xbox doesn't have digital audio but the picture is pretty bada ss with component video cables.
I haven't played Mk on Brett's system yet (Billybob's), but every other game I've played through it sound snad looks amazing, especially pumping through all the speakers he has mounted throughout the room. I get back in town on Saturday, and hopefully I'll swing by his place that night or Sunday and then I'll be online to play a bit. I'm hoping to have my XBox Live up and running within a week, so I'll let you know. By the way, I gave him your gamertag, he is looking for you online (or was at least a bit earlier). I have no idea what his tag is though.

I haven't been on Live at all since I have been shopping for my new TV and getting it set up. I should be on a lot this weekend. You have a free 2 month subscription card, right?
Yes I do! :D I plan to connect ASAFP.
the_sim said:
mahalo said:
I just bought one last weekend and it !@#$ rules. MK is absolutely gorgeous on it. Anyone else have one here?
What brand, and what size did you get?

I went cheap for my first one and got a 30" Samsung. The only negative about so far is that it doesn't have digital inputs, only components. I love it though for my intro into high def.
I have a 50" projection at my house, and it looks pretty good, but my girlfriend has a 48" HDTV widescreen and it is awesome! I like that you have the option in Deception to change the video format to widescreen, considering that a lot of the tv's coming out now are made in that format.
I have a 2 year old projection '40 Toshiba Widescreen HDTV in my bedroom. I don't get HD channels, but I mostly got it for Anamorphic dvd's. That's also why I got myself the Xbox a year ago cause it's great if you have a home theater system. Even games like "Enter the Matrix" are great because it has a 1080i option and looks amazing! And when I heard that MK:D was going to be widesreen and 480p I couldn't wait for it.

It sucks though because not all games are widescreen compatible so then you have to squeeze it to get the bigger picture. That's not cool!
I got a 36" HDTV in my room,it's not widescreen but I can stand the black lines when I'm watching a movie.
I got the widescreen one for the living room,it's a little smaller though,about 30".
they're both HDTV and both Sony Trinitrons.
mahalo said:
Sucks the Xbox doesn't have digital audio but the picture is pretty bada ss with component video cables.

It does if you buy the Microsoft or Monster Cable brand HDTV Component Cables...

MK:D actually runs in 480p (which is super goregous) and 16x9, the characters are zoomed in closer and fill almost the whole screen on the 16x9 mode where as 4x3 there is much more of the arena visible around the characters.
mahalo said:
I just bought one last weekend and it !@#$ rules. MK is absolutely gorgeous on it. Anyone else have one here?
I have a 55 inch HDTV widescreen, I would highly suggest you buy the Xbox High Definition AV pack [ http://www.xbox.com/en-US/hardware/highdefinitionavpack.htm ] I was hooked up to my HDTV with the regular cables for about a week, when i purchased the Xbox High Definition AV pack I saw a HUGE difference!!

also I got 2 2.4GHz wireless controllers ;)
Kintaro said:
Out of all the different kinds of TV's out there. Which brand is the best?

There's really not much of a difference . . . Sony and Sharp are two of the most reliable and feature packed, as far as I understand it. I have a Sony, myself . . . and a Toshiba, but it's much smaller and not widescreen, though it is HDTV. No problems at all with either.

Yeah.. I've had a RCA 52 inch HDTV for a while now, but nothing HD-like to hook up to it until last week. I finally got my Component cables for my PS2, man MKD is saweet! Getting an XBox this Christmas and I'll make sure to get the cables for it. Gamecube cables are like $30 and you can only order them from Nintendo.. I don't have a CC so that rules that out.