Blood toned down???


New member
Finally I've got the chance to play the demo at a friend's house and I have noticed there's not so much blood flying around; for example, when performing uppercuts part of the blood actually vanishes in the air, so I'm asking if that's the way blood will be displayed in the final version.
I can't even make a comparison between the demo and the various gameplay footage because every video seems taken from a different build, some don't have blood at all etc.

Maybe people who played both the PSN demo and the PAX build can answer...
While I did notice the blood in the demo is considerably less than, say, mk3, I think it looks fine. There's still little splashes here and there and enough blood on the characters themselves. Then again I only played for an hour for the first time today as well so I had plenty of things to take notice of.
i think the characters themselves end up pretty bloody by the end of a match (particularly 3-round matches). the hits themselves dont *all* spill much blood, but certain characters have attacks that spill more blood than others (like Kitana's Fan Throw).
I thought it was fine I even like all the small details like it actuall staying on the ground! It did in the 3d games but disapeared after a little bit
I'm not complaining, it just seems like something is missing, but I still like it now because it's a little more "realistic" and not too exaggerated, also I guess they counterbalanced the lesser blood with the body damage and the permanent blood stains on the floor.
Do you guys remember the original games? If you so much as did a low kick, blood would fly out. It was very campy and we loved it for that. I agree with an above post, though, that the characters end up WAY bloody, missing eyes and chunks of skin, and many of the moves will spew much more blood than others. This "toned down blood" feature is in no way indicative to the overall tone of this game. It's brutal. It's gory. And it's PLENTY bloody enough. Plus the best's less than a month away! :D
i still hate seeing that impaled liver...its looked stupid since day 1

sorry and issh...but i want over the top violence...this game needs to have blood pouring...i dont play MK for realism
i think its because the demo is an older build of the game.

also maybe the blood physics would not be able to fit into the 500 mb limit
I think they're going for realism more this time. I mean in the old games you'd hit a guy and 4 gallons of bright red blood would spurt out in a giant burst. The blood here is dark red, like actual blood, and dribbles like actual liquid.
The blood physics in this game looks better than in any other MK game in my opinion, i think if buckets of blood would fly off at each punch, it look ugly and redicules with todays graphics, also, it would take away much of the fatalities over the top brutality if everything was as bloddy as that is.