Recent content by El Chupacabra

  1. El Chupacabra

    The Prestige

    Just letting you guys in on what will be the best movie this year by far; The Prestige. It takes place in turn of the century London. Christian Bale and Hugh Jackman play two magicians who have been friends since they were young and have always engaged in friendly rivalries of besting one...
  2. El Chupacabra

    Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children

    So did anyone else pick this up? It just came out a few days ago. I used to love FF7. It was one of the greater RPGs released and for it's time, it had stunning graphics. As a matter of fact FF7 introduced a lot of people to the RPG genre simply because of how big the game was during it's...
  3. El Chupacabra

    Your Favorite Historic Figure

    This thread is here for you all to share your favorite figure in the history of mankind. It could be a modern person, someone from ages long lost, or someone who's story you find simply facinating. I think it's a good way for people to learn about people they don't even know existed or learn...
  4. El Chupacabra

    Tomb Raider: Legend

    Yeah. The series has really sucked over the past few years. But Legend looks so damn good I did a little research on it and have followed it over the past few months. I must say it looks awesome. It's about time Eidos gets their trademark character, Lara Croft, back into a great game. I grew...
  5. El Chupacabra

    Team Speak (or other Game Chat)

    I need some opinions from you guys. I am currently playing a game which doesn't internally support its voice chat so im looking at other ways to mic myself and some people up so we can talk while playing. I know of Team Speak but I am unfamiliar with how it works. Say I was running TS with the...
  6. El Chupacabra


    I was familiar with the movie name but I really didn't know much about it. It wasn't a large film, grossing around $38,000,000 worldwide in the box office. I was checking out( and the} were rating movies of the year and so forth - the movie Serenity won around 3 categories on their...
  7. El Chupacabra

    Forum Idea: Character Rumble (vs.) Section

    I originally posted this thread way back in October of last year. The recent Marvel vs. DC thread really got me thinking about it (as that turned into an interesting thread) so I did a forum search and came up with my old post. I have listed the basic ideas and added a few points. I encourage...
  8. El Chupacabra

    Few of My Sketches

    As some of you all know I am into comics and have been for a long time. About a year ago I sat down and looked at some stuff and just drew a few sketches by eyeing other pictures. I never really have seriously drawn before and these are my first real sketches. I lost a few other more complete...
  9. El Chupacabra

    Comic Books & Stuff

    Just wondering if any of you guys out there collect comics or anything else such as cards, toys, and so forth. Any of you have anything of value? I myself have collected Comics since I was a kid - on and off. I started with Marvel around 1990 when McFarlane did Spider-man and also got on board...
  10. El Chupacabra

    Indiana Paces vs. The City of Detroit

    Unless you've been living it a hole the past few days, I'm sure you have seen/heard/read about the major brawl that happened in Detroit this past Friday. Incase you havn't, here is a run down: There was around a minute left in the Pacers/Pistons game - Pacers were up by around 15 points. Ben...
  11. El Chupacabra

    Forum Idea: The Character Rumbles (vs.) Section

    I originally posted this thread way back in October of last year. The recent Marvel vs. DC thread really got me thinking about it (as that turned into an interesting thread) so I did a forum search and came up with my old post. I have listed the basic ideas and added a few points. I encourage...
  12. El Chupacabra

    The boys at MKOnline are up to something Big...

    For those who own the Brady Strategy Guide for MK:D know that towards the back of the book there is a Kombat Kodex. It lists the alphabetic letters A-Z along with pictures of characters. It also contains the Numbers 0-9 with colored symbols. By using these codes in some unknown manner, you are...
  13. El Chupacabra

    Kochal Clear Up

    There are a lot of people out there that truely believe the infamous "Kochal" is a secret character. Some are even like "wtf is a Kochal?" For those that do not know: After you beat Konquest if you to the Netherrealm you have the option of fighting Kabal, Kira, and Kobra in 3 pretty...
  14. El Chupacabra

    So I did Konquest a 2nd time...

    Well. I did Konquest a second time through. Got the head band. Kung Lao is there. The other thing I was very curious about was the Nitara/Cyrax appearance in Netherrealm. I did not open the chest near Moloch, nor even go near Nitara/Cyrax. My second trip the N-realm I went to see if they were...
  15. El Chupacabra

    -Favorite Video Game, Movie, + Characters-

    Originally I wanted to make this thread about fighting game characters only, but then I figured it would end up turning into favorite characters in general. Out of all movies, games, comics, books, and so forth who are your favorite fictional characters. Why? List as many as you like and...