Recent content by DrgnLdy

  1. DrgnLdy

    How did the humans come back to life?

    Shao Kahn took all of the souls of every single person on Earth except Raiden's chosen and it seems implied they were completely assimilated too. How did they ever come back after the invasion..? Perhaps the Elder Gods restored them?
  2. DrgnLdy

    Gods in Orderrealm?

    Do you think there are any gods in Orderrealm similar to the ones in Earthrealm and Edenia? Why do you think we've never heard of them? At least with Chaosrealm, we know there was a chaos god that brought 'the tempest', whatever that means, to their realm, and Outworld's god was probably Onaga...
  3. DrgnLdy

    The power of Shinnok and the other Elder Gods.

    How powerful do you think Shinnok was compared to other deities and fighters before and after his fall from grace? And how do you think the other Elder Gods compared? Do you think Shinnok will make an impression comparable to Shao Kahn?