This is a look at all the entires we recieved for the 2010 Goro Kontest. Names have been left off to protect the identities of the writers, but all ideas belong to them respectively.
Entry ID: 2
I see Goro as sort of a "human centipede". Stitched and burned or "fused" together by a psychopath redneck (his father perhaps) who kept him captive in his basement (lair) for many years. Goro would be a cannibal of course in addition to eating small animals, and probably would be a little slow due to no real education and punishment for answering questions. The punishment would also leave his skin scarred and hardened, looking most un-natural. I'd love to see the green mile guy play him, i think he'd do a great job.
Entry ID: 3
Shang keeps the corpses from past tournaments and uses them for an infernal experiment: an animated composite of cadavers called Goro. It has the torso volume of two men, with four arms crafted onto his frame. His body is a jumbled mess of flesh, blood, metal wire and support rods.
Entry ID: 4
I would envision Goro In the movie rebirth to look kind of like an overgrown teenage mutant ninja turtle.Not saying that i dislike the turtles but Goro just reminded me so much of them. I imagine Goro with no hair at all because no one really has a ponytail these days so I would think that he would be Bald. Lastly he definitley would have to get rid of those hideous underwears he has and have some khaki shorts to match his skin color .....or maybe not. (Just hope he doesnt listen to the type of music these days.)
Entry ID: 5In India, a baby was born with two extra arms. The child, named Sahdev Goro, was kidnapped by scientists shortly after birth. Years later, he was saved by a warrior cult known as the "Shokan" who share the same deformities as Goro. Discovered by Shang Tsung, he offered to give Goro a proper home and life in exchange for his assistance.
Entry ID: 6
I recently envisioned Goro to be a somewhat away-from-the-norm MK possibility. Someone like Michael Clarke Duncan to portray the character, about one and a half times his height. No need for extra arms as normally attributed to the Shokan race, as this is the "rebirth." No language constraints. Goro can speak English. Goro has dialogue and does not end up being a worthless character.
Entry ID: 7
Ah, I believe Goro would be a thug, a bitter criminal that thrived in the slums of the black alleyways of Deacon City. After nearly being killed in a run-in with the authorities, Goro decided to lay low, and eventually found his way into the underground fighting circuit. He went undefeated for years, and was dubbed 'The Prince of Pain', and was eventually hired by Shang Tsung to work as his personal bodyguard. No one has touch Tsung since.
Entry ID: 8
Codename Goro:
Standing at 8 foot "Goro" was born with a birth defect knowing as Polymelia which casues the growth of extra limbs. We understand that each hand only has three fingers which could be a deformity caused by the disorder. Although his extra limbs should be shrunken he has gained considerable strength in all four, No one can explain how he has become so tall or how his limbs have developed like they have. Though it is believed that the Bulgarian tribe in which he was raised firmly believed in Slavic mythology and would often worship Dragons as a means to a more happier and peaceful life, No one knows if this birth was a message from the dragons or if it was just fate. Because of his deformity he was regarded as a prince if not a king in his community and was treated like royalty.
Entry ID: 9
I'd envision Goro like this:
Goro's mother was a raving drug addict in the streets... when Goro was born, he was born mutated and with extra limbs from the result of his mother's multiple drug uses. Horrified, his mother abandoned him in the streets. Most children born with this disease don't live long, but this guy's 40. He stands about 7 feet tall, and rampages throughout the streets late at night. He lives in the sewers, and he beats anyone he finds to death. Still scarred from being left alone at an early age, he was taken in by Shang Tsung, who acts like a father to him. His fatalities are too many to count, and he is going to be at the tournament, as one of Shang Tsung's most deadly allies.
Entry ID: 10
I think Goro could be explained either as a failed experiment of Baraka, or as a genetic mutation. If the origins are totally rewritten, I could imagine goro making his living as a circus attraction before being summoned by Shang Tsung. Visually, I think the classic goro works, maybe with slightly less muscle mass, and the addition of clothes.
Entry ID: 11Gurav Kapoor. Born with four limbs as the result of a malformed parasitic twin, Kapoor was deemed the reincarnation of the god Vishnu. At 16, he expanded on local religious beliefs to include his new spiritual movement: the Shokan, but it's all just a front for weapons smuggling to terrorists cells and international drug trafficking. Codename: "Goro" The prince of Shokan.
Entry ID: 12
Born in India with four arms, Goro's parents believed him to be a gift from Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth. They refused to allow any surgery to correct his condition, and sought to hide him so that he would one day fulfill his destiny and bring them fortune. It wasn't long before they were murdered in their sleep and Goro was taken.The man who took him...Shang Tsung... has raised him to be his servant and body guard. His massive size and extra arms make him a perfect guardian. Goro has never lost a fight in his life.
Entry ID: 13
Shang tsungs body guard...a silhouette so large and footsteps so loud the hair on the back of your neck cant help but stand up. a man with wounds so brutal its almost as if he was ripped apart and sewed back together.. from 10 feet away you can see the veins popping out of his muscles...making it through mortal kombat will be no problem..until the tournament comes close to a end and a warrior is forced to battle with the monster Goro before they can challenge shang tsung. and clame vicotory as mortal kombat champion..
Entry ID: 14
I would envision Goro in the Mortal Kombat Rebirth movie, as a tragic figure.
Prince Goro, or at least that's what he would have been, before the accident. He was born into royalty, soon to be prince, but a tragic accident as a young adult, changed his life forever. He was left horribly disfigured and deformed, he was still just as human as you or I on the inside, but you wouldn't think of it had you seen him. Even his own father had disowned him, and he was bannished from society.
Goro built a shack in the woods just outside the city, and lived off small animals and water from the lake not too far off. After a while, this ate at Goro on the inside. The emotional distress, the rejection, losing everything, going from prince to a mere ate away at his humanity, slowly turning him into a savage beast. A man came across Goro one day, and a very mysterious man, named Shang Tsung. This man was kind to Goro, and acted as if he didn't even notice his irregularities and deformities. This was all a part of Shang's plan. Shang eventually provides Goro with a solution to his problem, and promises he can make him human once again, both internally and externally, but only if he aligned with Shang Tsung and aided him in his battle. Goro of course agreed in hopes of getting his life back that he once had.
Shang has a doctor operate on him(possibly Baraka? lol), and Goro is returned into human form, with only minor scars left behind. However, something goes wrong and the chemicals used start to transform Goro over time. He starts to take resemblence to an animal/human hybrid. Spots form on his back, his eyes and face mutate, as well as him growing an extra set of arms. This happens over the course of a few days, and is extremely painful. In this process, Goro's humanity and memory is wiped as well. Shang uses this opportunity to mold Goro into what he desires him to be: A cold blooded killer, under his command. Shang re-teaches him manners etc., but does not tell him of his past. (This could obviously be brought up later as a turn for vengeance and retribution, making him align good in the later stories and learning of his past and how Shang used him etc.)
Basically, I see him as a tragic figure, but is turned into a monster etc. One of those guys you hate because he's a cold blooded killer, but you also have sympathy for him given his past. Since Goro is both a Bad and Good guy throughout the MK story, I figure this would be a nice way to set up a good story arc over a couple movies or something. Also, it offers a realistic way of him being the way he is, but also with a little stretch of the imagination and mystical elements at play.
Entry ID: 15
Since the new approach takes some inspiration from real life illnesses or deviations, the Goro character could be based on Vikas Kumar Uppal (deceased), the tallest Indian man ever. While people thought he died during a failed brain tumor operation, Shang Tsung could have kidnapped and forced him to compete in MK.
Entry ID: 16
A young boy named Misha is discovered near Prypiat, Ukrane, but he doesn't suffer the crippling deformities typical of most radiation victims. Instead, he has grown an extra pair of arms and the only visible adversity is he lacks 2 fingers on each of his 4 hands.
While on a research assignment nearby, the beautiful Chinese geneticist Dr. Huifen Hyeong hears about the boy and decides to adopt him. They become very close, with his adopted grandfather also taking him under his wing, training him heavily in both Sumo and Akido. Because of his appearance, Dr. Hyeong decides against sending the boy to outside schooling, opting instead to have the boy tutored at home. Much to her delight, the boy develops a strong, eloquent nature.
To prevent unseen problems from his radiation exposure, Dr. Hyeong provides Misha with a strict diet and a calcium and protein rich vitamin supplement. The diet works a little to well and by the age of 16, he is approaching 7 feet tall.
Shortly after his 19th birthday, Dr. Hyeong is found brutally raped and murdered. Rumors abound that a sadistic, underground fighter named Kabal was her attacker. With his mother and closest family member dead, Misha goes berserk and begins his search for Kabal by joining the underground fight circuit. Over a 2 year period, he is involved in hundreds of battles, taking on as many as 6 men at once, killing a few of his opponents within seconds, and not coming close to losing a single fight.
Standing a solid 8 feet tall and sporting personalized Sumo garb, he quickly develops a following because of his size, appearance and fight record. Throughout his career, he retains his well-spoken nature, and, coupled with the brutality of his fights, he is dubbed Prince Goro.
It's not long before he is approached by Shang Tsung. The seductive sorcerer easily wins Goro's trust and convinces the weathered man to compete in the Mortal Kombat tournament with the promise of a fight with elusive Kabal.
Entry ID: 17
Gordon Rosetsu was born a deformed, abandoned baby in Japan. His deformity, only three fingers on each hand, led to years of torture and anguish at the hands of his childhood peers. The abuse he suffered, added to the neglect of his parents, led him to living on the streets. Murdering and stealing were the main activity of his adolescence. As he grew older, Gordon adopted the gang name Goro, and began to work his way to the top of the gang underworld. He became the leader of Deacon City's most dangerous gang, "The Shokan," gaining a big ally in Shang Tsung. His new position, coupled with his association with Shang Tsung, gave him access to genetic surgery to repair his deformity. Using DNA from a komodo dragon, the procedure Goro went under was supposed to grow the other 2 fingers he didn't have. But, the procedure went wrong, growing two extra arms on the sides of his abdomen. With therapy and steroids, he trained, and strengthened his extra arms. With his massive strength, Goro fought for control of Deacon City, with Shang Tsung in his mysterious, underworld tournament. If Goro wins, Deacon City will belong to The Shokan and Shang Tsung.
Entry ID: 18
If i imagined Goro, in rebirth, i would picture him as a child born to a poor family in China with abnormal limbs that wouldn't be cut off due to the poverty of his family. He would be a Circus Freak under the stage-name "4-armed giant" While in China, Shang Tsung saw him and makes him his personal body guard for the tournament. Goro accepts. I chose this approach, because the movie is based on normal elements, not sci-fi ones, and this is actually a possibility.
Entry ID: 19
First of all, he definitely should stay 4 armed character. But how to do this?
Answer is simple: he should be some kind of Japanese technology genius, but become crazy.
So he decide to create new kind of bodyparts, which could help to people replace their lost body parts, like hands and legs. But this techology become so good, that Goro decide to add himself 2 more cybernetic hands under his own two, so this help him make this work faster - he also add to this hands some sort of adrenaline booster, which feed the body and makes it much more stronger, but mind become crazy and uncontrol in cause of a lot of adrenaline in body. So this new techology parts makes him big, with big muscles, great strength and also increas his speed. But all of this he reach by a great coast - his mind and humanity.
Entry ID: 20I would envision him as a person who was a conjoined twin up until the age of 23 when his brother was diagnosed with cancer and it could spread to Goro, his parents then decided to do a surgery to keep Goro alive with no cancer but his brother would have to die. The surgery went well and kept Goro alive. Goro then wanted his brothers arm attached under his arm to remember his brother by. After countless surgeries they had the arms attached to Goro and got them fully functioning. He was then recruited by Shang Tsung and was raised as a relentless killing machine.
Entry ID: 21
Age: 20
Height: 8'2
Weight: 210
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Legal Status: Citizen of The Peoples
Republic of China
Known Relatives: Gor Bak, Father
Mai Bak, Mother
Birthplace: China
Occupation: Deacon City
Goro (originally named Gorou) is a asian male who lived an unusual childhood. Born with birth defekts such as Polymelia and a abnormal inkrease in height, people looked at him as some kind of monster and avoided his presents. With such actions igniting his anger, it was not soon that in his teen years fatalities okkured that lead to his parents locking him away from the publik. Refusing to live such a way, Goro eskaped being enchained and soon was found by Shang Tsung who informed Goro that his "flaws" were a blessing and that if he aided him in his tournament he will be wealthy in vengeance, popularity, and money. Such envision of being a king to Goro was like fueling the fire to a dragon therefore he immediately accepted Shang Tsung's offer. This is how it all began, this is the beginning of The Great Kung Lao's end.
Entry ID: 22
My idea is that he is a big guy (like your stereotypical Russian henchmen size guy) that has four working arms, two of which were put on surgically.
He had it done because he is obsessed with being the strongest man/fighter he can possibly be. Shang Tsung agreed to pay for the surgically and hired someone to do it (maybe Baraka since he is a plastic surgeon in the movie) to pay Goro for his service in his clan/gang/army/whatever they will call it in the film.
Entry ID: 23I envision Goro being this juiced up MMA star that has a genetic setback called "syndactyly " is a condition where two or more digits are fused together. It occurs normally in some mammals, such as the siamang, but is an unusual condition in humans. Goro was abandoned at birth by his birth parents and raised by the underground crime lord Shang Tsung as his own adopted son. Through Goro fear is brought through the underground crime world as his victim's are punished by the onsaughlt rage induced by steroid usage.
Entry ID: 24
I envisioned Goro in Mortal Kombat Rebirth as a human being with a birth defect. As a child he grew two extra arms, which both happened to be very grotesque. The two extra arms are missing fingers and are bent in the wrong direction but Goro can still have all of his arms move. As he grows up he was bullied because of his appearance. With the constant bullying, he snapped and started to murder anyone who made fun of him. Each one of his victims he rips off their arms and he stitches parts of their arms on to his body, like a collection.
Entry ID: 25If Goro was able to appear in the MK Rebirth Movie, i would envision him as a huge red eyed mutated 2 armed monster. I say he would still have 3 fingers on his hands and 2 toes on his feet. since the movie is altered, i would think Goro not a 4 armed half dragon. He would just have 2 arms,6 fingers,his ponytail, 4 toes, and be shang tsung's enforcer. I even made a KAK in MK Armageddon as an example.
Entry ID: 26I'm here to do the contest, and i designed an alternate costume for Goro, for Mortal Kombat Rebirth
And I'm a big fan of Mortal Kombat.
Entry ID: 27
This would be Goro's Bio and Ending together as one story. Also opens up Durak and Gorbak (MK Jouney Begins) as possible sub bosses/bosses, or DLC
The message Raiden sent back to himself not only disrupts the events to follow, but the events prior to Mortal Kombat. To where a younger Goro is forced to battle his brother Durak, for their father's approval. Something seems familiar about the fight and as Goro hangs from the cliff, defeated by his brother, he accepts Durak's arm, pulling himself to safety. An outraged Gorbak confronts the brothers, ashamed of their weakness and compassion. With an agreeing glance from the brother's, they attack their father, King Gorbak, and throw him from the cliff.
Years later, as Shao Kahn plans his Earthrealm takeover, Prince Goro and Prince Durak easily defeat the Mortal Kombat warriors for nine tournaments straight. They begin the question why Shang Tsung is given credit for the victories, after all, the Shokan brothers are the warriors who are responsible for the onslaught. During a fight with a young warrior named Liu Kang, Goro senses his death is near. A sense of Déjà Vue comes over him as he screams for his brother Durak. Liu Kang stands no chance, as the Shokans rip him to pieces… fatality.
Raiden is overcome with grief, a message sent to save himself, causes the death of the chosen one, Liu Kang. As he turns to battle the Shokan brothers, the Earth begins to shake. The tenth tournament belongs to Outworld. The realms begin to merge, Raiden has failed. Shao Kahn appears before them. The Emperor is not blind to who he owes his gratitude. He is aware that Shang Tsung's prescents had nothing to do with his much anticipated victory. He banishes the lazy sorcerer to the Netherrealm, and grants Earthrealm to the Shokan race to torchur for eternity.
Entry ID: 28
A large, bulky, ex-linebacker who's been abducted by Shang Tsung due to his violent past. Tsung fastens an extra set of arms to the beastly man ala Doc Ock to his spine. The monster of a man becomes increasingly more aggressive but is held in check by a shock collar posessed by Tsung, forced to do his bidding.
Entry ID: 29
Subject: Goro (No other Aliases)
Goro was born in Mumbai, Maharashtra India abandoned at an early age because he was born with a rare form of Polymelia, a birth defect where the affected individual is born with extra limbs. Goro's was a rare case given that his extra two arms were fully functional but also his muscle development was different of that of an ordinary person, giving him strength equivalent of 5 ordinary men.
Once abandoned, Goro was found and taken in by a gangster and raised in the slums of Mumbai. At first used as a beggar, using his "disability" in order to gain more sympathy from others. As he grew older the gangster saw the potential grow in Goro and decided to start using him as a sort of enforcer. Utilizing Goro for nothing but the most important and brutal tasks, word soon spread of a "Dragon Man" a murderous beast roaming the depths of the slums. Reports suggest Shang Tsung got wind of this "Dragon Man" and one night visited the gangsters base of operations. Conflicting Intellegience of that night suggests Tsung was either alone or with many brutal warriors and killed everyone, save for Goro. Tsung took Goro under his wing and trained him in the deadliest of martial arts, knowing he could be a most powerful ally.
Ever since, it has been rumored that Goro now serves as Shang Tsung's personal bodyguard. Travelling to various tournament locations with Tsung, challenging and killing any who oppose his new master.
Entry ID: 30
Lohitaksha Wuar.
Born July 17th, 1980 in Goa Velha, Inida.
Lester has a rare birth defect known as Polymelia, a birth defect where the
subject is born with multiple limbs.
Twice the arms, twice the threat.
Until last year he could be found traveling with a sideshow, the Iron Freaks.
But years of being called a monster finally got to him and he snapped. To be
more precise, he snapped a child in half.
He's a fan of the guro sub-culture and as of late his handy work has been spread
all over the internet by his website.
Videos of him peeling flesh, breaking skulls, various disturbing dismemberments.
Codename: Goro.
Entry ID: 31
So since there is this proposal to reboot the Mortal Kombat film franchise the question being asked is how would you envision Goro as a character in Mortal Kombat Rebirth reality. I would envision Goro in reality as this 7 foot 5 giant with this brute strength. Now since this is being asked for reality here is how Goro storyline would go.
Spent most of his time on the streets fighting in underground fights to make himself stronger Goro would fight to the death if he had to. To make himself stronger and more brutal Goro had a illegal operation done to give himself two extra arms. These two extra arms are robotic. They were attached to his spinal chord and he has the ability to control them. The operation was performed over in Russia in Moscow.
Now you know how Jax is telling Scorpion about how Baraka and Reptile came around. This is how I would see Jax describing Goro to Scorpion.
Like I said in Goro storyline he would obtain his extra arms by having a very risky operation that is illegal. The operation would take place in Russia in Moscow. Now the two extra arms I mentioned were robotic of course. The arms were attached to his spinal chord and he can control them like he controls his normal human arms. This is how I would envision Goro as a character in the proposed Mortal Kombat rebirth reality.
Entry ID: 32English is not my native langage, so i hope i didn't made too much mistakes ! I'm a cartoonist so i've made a drawing to explain how i see this "Rebirthed Goro" !
Goro is a former pro-wrestler, a massive seven-footer competitor, known as « The Prince ». Due to steroïd abuse, he turned mad right after winning the Heavyweight world Championship.
He disappeared with the champion belt and the 10 million dollars reward, and started to slaughter people during illegal martial arts tournaments, somewhere in Southern asia.
But his appearance has changed… With the money earned during his pro-westling career, he paid an insane surgeon to transplant him two extra - and monstruous - arms...
Code name : “The human dragon” !
Entry ID: 33
I imagine Goro as an extremely weak and feeble Chinese slave. Goro has been sold to a new set of mines,where the people in charge demand more efficiency. Many slaves are disfigured and killed while attempting to create a a creature that was bigger and faster for their needs
Goro becomes the first "success" after a combination of radical surgeries, drug induced growth and horrific experiments. Standing well over 8 feet tall (although I imagine a slight hunched posture some times using his lower arms for motion (think gorilla) Goro becomes a four-armed monster they can no longer control. Alongside the other victims (including Sheeva), he overthrows his captors and lives among the mines they were forced to dig. He and his followers soon believe they have descended from the great ancient dragons of China. They're planning a war to retake the land that should be theirs when he is invited to a mysterious tournament.
I think he would be little more than a mass of muscle and rage, although he does show signs of intelligent.
Entry ID: 34
I would love to see Goro as he is in the games. I didn't like the Goro from the first movie. I want to see a realistic Goro. No mechanisms to control his other arms. Have him more beefed up, bigger muscles, more defined features. Have the spike pads on his shoulders. Make him twice as muscular as Sheeva and more vicious looking than the human fighters. He should have the devilish, evil eyes. Werewolf type fangs, just all around bad ass looking.
Entry ID: 35
Once a colleague of Dr. Baraka, Dr. Gordon Rohan was the first to reject Dr. Baraka's idea's of "moding" humans. Later, after finding out that his wife bottom jaw was ripped off by an all black ninja. The pair decides to go under Dr. Baraka's knife. Go(rodon) Ro(han)'s Wife Milena received a new Jaw equiped with razor sharp teeth and to protect her Goro choose's an extra set of arms ripped from a former client.
Entry ID: 36
In Mortal Kombat Rebirth I envision Goro as a circus freak in a traveling sideshow who was born a Siamese twin. The zygote never fully split after conception and Goro was born with part of his twin visible in the form of the two additional arms. The rest of the twin never developed and remained inside of Goro giving him the appearance of the four-armed beast we know and love. Goro was outcast and ridiculed for his hideous deformity, but found a place in a freak show where he became famous as "The Human Dragon." But due to years of abuse by his show handlers Goro's mind fell into madness and in a rage he murdered several people, including his caretaker, before escaping into the darkness of the woods. Shang Tsung eventually tracked Goro down in the mountains where he'd become feared as a monster by those in the surrounding towns. Tsung offered Goro sanctuary in return for his brutal services.
Entry ID: 37GORO: A Re-Telling
Shinzu Gorotzu, age 35, known for his massive strength and size, was a feared competitor in an underground fighting syndicate that local drug lord Shang Tsung held.
Shang Tsung always had a thing for keeping Gorotzu close to his side.
As a personal bodyguard, Gorotzu made sure that no one decided to betray, cheat or double-cross Tsung. For this, Tsung was very appreciative. After ending the lives of 50 fighters in a row, a nearby gang of thugs decided to avenge the death of one of their fallen allies. After a fight in which Gorotzu was named Supreme Champion of the underground fights, the thugs decided to ambush him.
They patiently waited for Gorotzu to leave to his ceremony and enter the parking lot.
The thugs, at top speed, slammed Gorotzu into the concrete wall with their vehicle.
With Gorotzu laying in a pool of his own blood, the thugs exited the car and poured acid over his face and body. Deforming him. Jumping back into their car, they left the prized fighter to die. Unfortunately for them& This was not the case.
Tsung discovers the body of his close friend and bodyguard several hours later. Alive.
Distraught, Tsung vowed to bring Gorotzu back. Stronger, meaner and more vicious than ever before.
With the power, wealth, connections and rumored sorcery Tsung had, it was only a matter of time before this game to fruition.
Mortal Kombat Rebirth appears to have the classic Kombatants we know and love in a new, stylistic and modern look. Therefore, I love the idea of Goro not being a giant creature but rather a giant fighter. Having Gorotzu by Shang Tsung s side sticks close to the story of the original Mortal Kombat game. The vicious attack by the thugs left Goro with horrible scarring along his face and upper body. Both arms were also broken. Shang Tsung transports his companion to an under-the-table doctor and surgeon. Tending to both broken arms was simply not enough for Tsung. To ensure this would never happen again, Tsung stuck to his goal.
Using smuggled, high-tech equipment and technology of today, Tsung demanded more. In addition to mending Gorotzu s broken arms and treating the acidic burns, Tsung demanded two more arms to be surgically fixed to his Gorotzu s body. The arms were not simple rubber castings. The arms, made from flexible steel covered with synthetic skin and muscle, responded when Gorotzu thought for them to do so. This was done by a mechanical fixture that was attached to Gorotzu s spine and ran all the way up his back and into the back of his head. Gorotzu simply had to will his new arms to move and they would react accordingly. The arms were attached, one on each of his sides, below the two he already had.
Two months later.
Gorotzu recovered from his injuries and begins to get adjusted to his new weapons.
Shang Tsung now had his prized fighter and bodyguard by his side once again.
They sought revenge.
They sought total annihilation of everything and everyone in their way.
Nothing would stop them.
Tsung dubbed his new creation, Goro.
The underground fights seemed to no longer interest Tsung. He craved something more. Something that would showcase fighters not only in the area but around the world.
Thus began the tournament of Mortal Kombat.
Entry ID: 38
Kana Aoki was a successful robotics engineer. He created cranes and robotic arms for factories. One day he created robotic arms for the handicapped. He presented his idea to the public but was shunned and laughed at for his failure. Kana became insane and upgraded his robotic arms so that he could attach it to himself. He began brutally murdering hundreds of people. Codename, Goro.
Entry ID: 39
Goro is a man in his mid to late 30s, from somewhere in the Middle East, inflicted with "Ischiopagus Dipus". He had superior brain function and was miraculously able to control all 4 of his limbs. He gained noteriety throughout the village for this feat and was even looked at as a God by a handful of Muslim extremists. But the large majority of people turned on him as some freak of nature. He began bodybuilding to make himself more intimidating to his detractors, though he'd still be stoned by passers by. This warped Goro as a sociopath, confused by his surroundings and his condition. It lead to a psychological break where he began to maim villagers. Marked for death, he was smuggled from the country by Shang Tsung and hired to be his bodyguard. Tsung brought Goro to America, where he would be both feared and respected. Shang made the decision that his "monster" would be the final test to the winner of his Mortal Kombat tournament, to prove if they truly are a superior warrior.
Entry ID: 40
If I were to envision Goro in the upcoming Mortal Kombat Movie, I would do so as this.
Being based on a more human/real appearance he could not have four arms. Goro would be a person who has a natural born size and muscular physique ala Andre the Giant, but then was introduced into steroids, making him just Massive and insanely huge. Having been picked on as a younger child he turned to Martial Arts to be able to fight back, his trainer however felt the need to use his size and strength for evil, culturing him into a force to be reckoned with. Young Goro gets hanging out with the wrong crowd and becomes a brutal underground fighter, eventually fighting and killing Kimbo Slice in an underground fight. He is recognized by Shang Tsung and promised the ability to fit in if he does the deeds required of Shang Tsung. He would be dressed in Black Biker shorts, and the steroid use created hairloss, so the only hair he has is the ponytail on the back of his head.
Entry ID: 41
"With Shang Tsung’s Mortal Komabt competition in full-swing, none of the Kombatants are aware of Tsung’s true intentions. Shang Tsung, full of evil intent, plans on killing off any of Earth’s Kombatants, who would be capable of thwarting his plans for world domination, and for bringing Outworld’s demons to Earth, to enslave the human race for his own ends. Shang Tsung would go to any length to have his contest yield the outcome he secretly desires.
His secret weapon, a creature who is barely recognizable as a human being. A man born with the disease of Gigantism. He is shunned by his peers in his early childhood, for his towering size and hideous physical characteristics, in a remote Chinese village, untouched by modern Western influences. This creature, with no one to care for him, is fostered and trained to fight by Shang Tsung. As he matures, Tsung trains him in the Ancient Art of Lung Ying, or Dragon Form Kung Fu.
Seeing that his underling has superhuman size and strength, Tsung has this creature’s body surgically altered and genetically engineered, to add two more arms, to perfect his secret killing machine. The results of this procedure are successful, but leave the creature full of pain, anger, and rage. The creature, full of hate for the human race that shunned him, perfects his own style of four-armed Lung Ying Kung Fu. The creature vows to murder all who stand in his way, and is the able bodied puppet of his master Shang Tsung. This creature’s name will forever haunt the souls of all opponents who were foolish enough to face him. This creature’s name is GORO…"
Entry ID: 42
I would envision Goro as a scrawney human being named Gary in the Mortal Kombat Rebirth. A human who was picked on all the time by bullies. No ever believed Gary when he told them that bullies kept picking on him. No one wanted to listen. Tired of being picked on, Gary decided that it was time for him to take matters into his own hands. Fascinated with spiders all his life, Gary studied all aspects of spiders. It was during his studies that he found that the spiders uses their many legs to fear there adversaries. So it was then Gary decided to add two more arms to his body giving him four arms total. Not only did he attach these other arms but he also had venom ducts installed in his mouth. These additions to Gary made him a DANGEROUS individual. After Gary made the alterations to his body, he sought out the bullies who had picked on him in the past. Gary was so into spiders that he actually developed his own version of a spider sense, it was with this sense that he found the bullies and killed every single one of them! Three of the four bullies he killed quickly: but the leader of this group, He tourtured and made him beg for his life. Gary picked the leader up and bit him in the face with the fangs that he had surgicly implanted in his mouth. These fangs where attached to the venom ducts. After bitting the leader of the bullies Gary used the other two limbs and pulled both arms off the bullie leaving him armless and dying a painfull death. It was then that Gary changed his name and is now and forever known as Goro, the half human-half Spider....
Entry ID: 43
HISTORY: Gonzalo Romero, known best to his team mates by the nickname of Goro (using letters from his first and last names), was a highly skilled college basketball athlete. His towering seven foot frame presented him many advantages on the court and led his team, the UW-Madison Dragons, to many victories. Professional scouts were eager to sign the crowd favored Goro to their national teams, but Gonzalo refused as he awaited a contract that would meet his financial demands. His opportunity to become a professional basketball player ended the night he was violently attacked by an unknown attacker outside the locker room. Both of Gonzalo's arms were shattered and horribly deformed by an assault with a sledge hammer. It was clear someone did not want him on the court, for whatever mysterious motive. While in a secluded rehabilitation clinic, Gonzalo met a very enigmatic man named Dr. Tsung who presented an option to fully restore his shattered, deformed arms back to normal, and possibly more. Left with few options to return to the court as he once was, Gonzalo agreed to Dr. Tsung's experimental genetic project code named Shokan. A series of injections filled with modified stem cells were injected in to his broken arms with hopes new bones and muscles would grow and then be transplanted to replace the currently damaged versions. Dr. Tsung's promise of new arms was not exactly as Gonzalo had imagined. Not only did the stem cells grow new cells to replace his damaged bones and muscles of his crippled arms, he began to grow cells of an entirely new set of arms! He was terrified he had become a genetic freak of nature. Dr. Tsung smirked as he watched his patient, his experimental subject of the Shokan Genetic Study, writhe in agony for days, weeks, as two smaller arms grew under the now fully repaired arms of Goro, former basketball star of the UW-Madison Dragons. His eyes turned red from burst blood vessels caused by the pain of the limb repair and growth. His skin changed color to a sickly hue of yellow and he developed dark bruises on his back and spine, perhaps due to the weight and strain of the new bones and muscles. Months later, what was left in the mind of the young man named Gonzalo Romero was anger and a blinding desire to find the wielder of the sledge hammer that started the chain of events that led him to become this... this mutant of genetic research. Dr. Tsung had one last surprise for his patient; the name of the person who swung the sledge hammer many times upon the limbs of Gonzalo Romero. Upon hearing this, Gonzalo left his name and prior life behind to pledge servitude to Dr. Tsung under his beloved nickname, given by fans, Goro! Dr. Tsung revealed the name of the attacker to his new servant and the location where he could be found; a tournament of sorts held in secret by Dr. Tsung himself...
BIO: Goro, formerly known as Gonzalo Romero, stands 7' tall, wears remnants of his former team outfit including a tattered Dragons shirt, his eyes are permanently red caused by severe blood vessel ruptures during the pain of his limb growth, has black spots up and down his spine; he assumes they are bruises caused by the new arms, and his skin turned pale yellow for reasons unknown, possibly due to liver damage, an unforeseen side-effect of the Shokan Genetic Study injections he received. His second set of arms are noticeably smaller than his original limbs, but are otherwise identical and highly functional. Goro wears a long braid of dark hair, as he did on the court prior to his attack. Those who face this research product of Tsung's genetic sorcery, as it is often referred to by credible doctors, should have much to fear.
Entry ID: 44
Shang Tsung is a twisted scientist (because sorcery is an impossibility) as well as host of the tournament. He experiments on live subjects by trying to make it where the subject can use multiple appendages to his advantage. Each one has been a failure resulting in gory deaths. Until he kidnaps the leader of a vicious chinese gang. His name is Goro. He likes to refer to himself as being the "prince" of his territory. Tsung brutally attaches the arms of a freshly killed man to Goro's body. Attaching the vessels and synapses with no anesthetic. It is a success. Goro wins the tournament for (being realistic) 10 years straight. And we come to the time of the trailer.
Entry ID: 45
Goro's real name is Greg Rochester. He has earned many awards for his studies and advancements in regenerative skin and limb growth. Dr. Rochester was apart of The Vacanti Mouse Projec, or "Ear Mouse" where an ear was grown on the mouses back. His most recent project focuses on rebuilding victims with Myasthenia Gravis or simply put muscle atrophy.
Dr. Rochester was on the verge of a new discovery of medicine and became obsessed with his work. He was so close to completion that he didn't want to stop until finally after 3 days of working straight he passed out of shear exhaustion in office. He awoke to flames, fire, and smoke due to a burner being left on and a team of fire fighters attempting to rescue him. He soon passed out again due to the lack of air and awoke in the hospital with 70% of his body badly burned. He's informed by the doctor that he'll be lucky if he even receives basic motor functions back in his right arm and in both legs because of of his skin and muscles being to badly damaged. Dr. Rochester refuses to accept this as his work revolves around cures for these problems.
He's soon released from the hospital to start his rehabilitation from home. There's only one thought he's had since that night and it's been to test his formulas on himself. He's driven to madness and refuses to listen to anyone and consumes his unfinished formulas. He becomes terribly deformed as the formulas cause unbalanced muscular growths and two extra arms and fingers to grow. His legs are now three times larger and ten times stronger along with his second arms being twice the size and five times more muscular as his regular ones. His torso has stayed the same size allowing him to not only be overpowering but also have great jumping abilities that deceive his foes.
This completely ruins him and sends him to a dark life of madness and no known logic of decision making throughout the rest of his life. His only known motivation is to overpower anyone he feels necessary to show dominance of strength as his dominance of intelligence is now non-existent. He has taken the alias Goro and is a dark city story of the night.
Entry ID: 46
Just like MK 1 do a trip to the past in MK1 (Arcade) and he Looks very scared and put it very agressive (not like the movie, which is just looks very stupid) ahd make him live in the cavern
Entry ID: 47
In 1975 the United states was searching for ways to maintain its superiority over other nations. In an unknown location the nations leading genetic scientists were gathered and given the task of creating a super soldier. A soldier genetically enhanced. After countless tries and many lives lost of testing genetic mutations on existing soldiers, the scientist began to give up it was just not possible to manipulate the human genetic structure without death resulting. the project went dead for 15 years. The lead scientist who headed up the project never gave up, he just needed the funding. After having his studies rejected time and time again he new that he had to find help from someone with the need for a super soldier. All along he new the key, he new what the problem was, what was missing.... he new the donor had to be dead already. The problem wasn't altering the genome, it was reanimating the dead. In 1990 the scientist found someone looking for what he was offering. He found Shang Tsung. Tsung was looking for protection, and a guarantee that he would win his own tournament. Tsung funded this scientists project.... On September 13th 1993 the project Geneticly Optimized Reanimated Organism was finally a success. G.O.R.O. was created from the body of one of Tsung's greatest wariors. Rumors have said that "Goro" was a huge monster barely resembling his former self. He would not only defeat his opponents but dismember them limb from limb. those who have encountered Tsung's protector have all met there demise. Few have layed eyes on Goro and lived to talk about it. The ones that have describe a four armed killing machine standing almost 8ft tall.
Entry ID: 48
Goro was a pair of Ischiopagus conjoined twins. His twin decayed in the womb, leaving him with four arms and two legs. His twisted visage warped his mind from a young age, making him extremely violent. Shang Tsung took him in after he killed his parents.
Entry ID: 49
My version of Goro would be him working as an enforcer for Shang Tsung. He is a 8 foot tall man with two metal horns on his head, a pony tail. He is extremely dangerous and likes to cause pain. In prison, he trains his body into absolute physical perfection. Not wanting to be confined, he breaks out killing some prisoners and guards along the way. Tsung meets and makes a deal with him killing as many opponents as he wants. He agrees to it and puts him in mysterious underground fighting tournament quickly becoming champion. In my version Tsung would practice dark arts. And he would magically enhance Goro’s strength to superhuman levels making him unstoppable. And maybe giving him an extra pair of arms.
Entry ID: 50
Goro Ryu is a seven foot tall, 500 lb. japanese henchman that serves for the mob boss known as Shang Tsung. He keeps his hair in a tight ponytail, black painted fingernails, and has large, golden bangles he always wears on his wrists. For the most part, he stays shirtless to present the tattoo he has on his stomach of two arms cracking their knuckles with blood pouring out the fists. This tattoo represents his ruthless nature and renoun signature of crushing the heads of his opponents and hanging their remains from stray wires on the walls of Shang Tsungs basement, where he currently resides.
Entry ID: 51
Well in order to make a convincing parallel we first need to look at Goro in game. My concept is based primarily on MK1 since this was Goro's first appearance. He is a brutal, four armed, half dragon creature that acts as the sub boss before fighting Shang Tsung.
I took each idea and altered them to be more practical/realistic.
Instead of being a four armed monster, I turned Goro into two separate people. They are the twin Goro brothers and act as Shang Tsung's personal bodyguards.
They were personally broken out of prison by Shang Tsung himself to kill one of his adversaries (Rebirth's version of Great Kung Lao), literally ripping him limb from limb.
During their prison time, the Goro brothers were part of a prison gang where initiation involved the tattooing of a dragon symbol on their backs (being the MK logo itself minus the circle). In addition to this, the whites of their eyes were inked blood red as a trademark of the gang.
The brothers are very intimidating in stature. Best comparison I can make to their appearance is Michael Clarke Duncan in Green Mile. they are well built due to the time spent in prison and near identical save for the dragon logos on their backs mirroring each other.
The reason they protect Shang Tsung is because they are drug addicts. The Goro brothers use drugs like crystal meth or cocaine before they go and kill someone since it gives them a heightened tolerance to pain and endurance. Since Jax and his officers have begun cleaning the streets drugs are scarce and Shang Tsung is one of few crime lords who still has enough to supply them.
Their outfits are uniform and consist of the generic professional business suit while not "on mission" with sunglasses to hide their colored eyes from others. While in kombat, they remove their shirts to reveal the tattoos and scars (bullet wounds, knife wounds, etc.) that they have endured after the countless hits they have carried out.
I think this is the best possible representation Goro can have because it keeps the idea of a powerful enemy who can overwhelm the opponent and keeps in the idea of Goro having four arms (two brothers as opposed to one monster), being able to take a lot of damage, and as a fight before taking on the final boss.
Entry ID: 52
Goro is the youngest son of father Gorbak and mother Mai, born into the world of Prypiat in 1987. Gorbak was employed as a technician at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, months before the Chernobyl Disaster. His mother, however, spends her time at home taking care of her first son, Durak.
Born after the tragic event of Chernobyl in 1986, Goro suffered a radioactive genetic defect at birth rendering him with an extra set of fully functional arms. His mother, Mai, died shortly after his birth and was left into the care of his elder brother. It is presumed that Gorbak has been killed during the disaster.
Abandoned by his only brother and the world around him, Goro sought survival by feeding off stray animals and as he grew older, Cannibalism. The nuclear fallout that enhanced his muscular system enabled him to master the use of all four of his arms, slaying everyone in the shadows.
All but one was fearless to Goro. Shang Tsung knew of his origins. He knew of his vicious crimes committed. Impressed with what he saw, Tsung invited Goro to a secret underground tournament to satisfy his lust for bloodshed.
For over a decade, Goro is the undisputed champion of Mortal Kombat. His strength is unmatched and his roar is feared by all. He is Prince Goro, Champion of Mortal Kombat.
Entry ID: 53
Durok Shotokan(Goro) was one of Alan Zane's (Baraka) patients. He was Alan's last patient assigned from the military for an experiment, who somehow survived. Goro is 7 feet tall, with black hair. Goro has 2 mechanical arms attached to his ribs. He was also a former wrestler. Now hired by Shang Tsung to be his bodyguard for the underground tournament called "Mortal Kombat".
Entry ID: 54
Goro is a circus freak that was discovered by Shang Tsung that is addicted to steriods.. He is over seven feet tall and suffers from ichthyosis. He also has an unborn siamese twin that is only visable by his arms giving Goro four arms. He can control all four arms.
Entry ID: 55
For this pitch I see Goro as Shang Tsung's most loyal "employee".
Goro was Shang Tsung's first successful gene splicing "project".
This work was the result of Tsung's rumoured "Science Tombs" built deep below the ground levels of his Mafia HQ.
Goro was born through the gene splicing of human DNA with pre-historic DNA beleived to be that of a Dragon that existed kountless years ago.
A lot of lives where ended in order to obtain this rumoured treasure. Anything Shang Tsung wanted was his .......eventually.
Goro was raised to show absolute loyalty to his Master...... who in turn was and is the only "father figure" Goro has ever known.
Goro stands tall.....really tall. He practically towers over every person involved with the organisation.
He is Tsung's #1 bodyguard and his personal Champion for his underground Tournament.
It is said that if you face Goro, you will most certainly die. The darkest rumour being that he would forfeit your very soul to the Tournament host himself. However this is rumour.
Nobody wants to konfirm this.
Goro's appearance is rather deceptive to those outside of the organization and to those within the kompany forbidden from or denied access to Tournament details and goings on.
Goro appears to be a huge Thai like man with a shaved head apart from a long ponytail at the back-top of his head (think Kickboxer's Tong Po on steroids) and always seen wearing a suit that defines his muscular appearance. He kould easily tense his muscles and rip the suit to shreds. If standing still he would have his huge arms folded across his chest with his head staring straight ahead. When he walked he would be heard before seen. His huge footsteps is like a warning.
Very few people know what Goro is. If you were priviliged enough to witness Goro during the Mortal Kombat Tournament you would see the man for what he is.....a monster.....a monster that loyally serves Shang Tsung. For beneath Goro's klothing are a well hidden extra set of arms. But these are no ordianry human arms. They resemble that of a Dragon. A dark green, scaley, ripped pair of arms with 2 fingers and 1 thumb on each hand. At the end of each digit were sharp black finger nails. The dragon like skin formed up to the back of his normal arms' shoulder blades. This however is not the MK Champions' only weapon.
When Goro reached puberty he started to develop a huge amount of chi that he kould feel within his gut. Finding this very interesting Tsung taught Goro how to harness and use this chi as a weapon. Not only did he learn to breath out fire but he also developed a firing projectile formed of the same chi. A huge fireball that would cinder anything in its path. Some would kall it a "special move". He was usually always quiet until he was in the arena. Then you would see this beast boast and taunt his opponents for entertainment. This was his release as he is strictly forbidden from using his "weapons" outside of the Tournament. It would just bring unwanted attention. He'd play with his opponent at first before showing off his true appearance and giving an example for every witness there to behold.
Entry ID: 56I think if Goro was in the MK Rebirth Reality you would still have to keep his trademark four arms
taking them out would be far too much of a blow for the MK fan base.
I believe the best way to place Goro in the MK Rebirth Universe and still keep his trademark four arms would be through genetic engineering and if you take into consideration todays advances in genetic engineering, pretty much anything is possible.
I saw scientists take the gene of a jellyfish that makes them glow and put it into a mouse resulting in a mouse that could glow in the dark!. and that was many years ago god knows what they can do now!
Goros background as to how he became to be like this could be very interesting when placed in the MK Rebirth Alternate Reality.
So here's my invision for Goro in MK Rebirth.
Shang Tsung, is a highly powerful and feared business man and heavily envolved in many underground business's and companies which embelish in shady dealings that include violent crime, illigal hustling, developement in secret advanced technology, weaponry, and much more. Tsung is a genius and extremely knowledgeable and passionate in the field of modern chemicals, acids, and formulas (to keep a slight sorcerer vibe to the character). One of the companies he is mainly involved in is an advanced genetics engineering company called > CODA GENOMICS
CODA GENOMICS is based on the outskirts of Decon City and was known world wide as the leading pioneers in genetic research from 1973 - 2003 including some of the worlds most brightest scientists, biologists and geneticists under their wing helping make the future for mankind a brighter and safer place.
in 2000 the company began slowly declining as the leaders in genetic engineering as many other companys began doing the same research and most funding began going out to the other companys.
By early 2003 CODA was declared bankrupt and never heard of again.
It was then that Shang Tsung took it over under the radar turning it into his own personal underground genetics program,
re-hiring the staff and continuing their work but to his tasting, the staff and scientists became sworn to secrecy as they began under going illigal genetic experiments, with Shang Tsungs funding CODA became the most dangerous underground illegal company in history with Tsung as leader of all projects.
The goal behind this project was to create the ultimate fighter that Tsung could put against any fighter
in the world.
Tsung cleverly created the idea of a tournament that invited all the best fighters, serial killers, assassins from around the world to fight each other to the death. For Tsung this was a was a way to get his rivals and potentail threats to future business plans to kill each other. Also the tournament is not cheap to enter but the winner takes all then gets to face Tsungs very own champion. Who ever defeats Shang Tsungs champion will be the winner of the tournament and crowned the best fighter in the world. he calls this tournament Mortal Kombat.
but if you look at it from Tsungs view, (a business view),
fighters fighting to the death = 1 overall survivor and the rest dead,
the one survivor goes up against Tsungs champion who they dont know is undefeatable which = them dead.
so the only true winner = Shang Tsung with all the takings going to him and not to mention all the bets that will be made
during the tournament.
Using his knowledge and that of the top scientists together they worked on creating the ultimate
human fighter. they experimented endlessly on human test subjects.
All Tsungs test subjects are men who have tried to double cross him and been caught, the tests are inhumane and brutal.
Over the years the team succseeded in many areas including
: increasing a subjects strength, muscle memory, making them faster, more agile and practically industructable.
: altering the brains knowledge and memories, and implanting new memories
Their limits were endless and the results were astounding even on the average man.
after all the tests were successful Tsung disposed of the test subjects, all that was left to do now was find the perfect subject to give these enhancements to and create the ultimate champion for his tournament.
Tsung realised that if the experiments made even the average man unstoppable the implications of adding these enhancements to an already trained fighter would be outstanding.
but Tsung did not want just any experienced fighter he wanted the best.
In 2008 Tsung began his search for a great fighter he travelled far and wide to underground battles, street fights and competitions, until he eventually wound up in a small town called Kuatan. where he watched a 28 year old fighter called Erik Shokan who hails from a royal family the Shokans.
Born a prince, Erik's parents and the people of Kutan had high expectations of him, but Erik did not want to follow in his families royal footsteps, he had a passion for fighting and trained every day with the dream of becoming a world class fighter, and although he was the reigning champion of Kutan, Erik was still looked down on by his family for the path he had chosen.
Shang Tsung watched the courageous fighter in a tournament carefully analysing his techniques and ability, he knew fairly quickly this was the fighter he needed, as Erik gracefully outshined his opponent and the crowd roared with exitement. A man in the crowd turns to shang Tsung and says 'that's why they call him the prince of pain!'
Erik Shokans next fight was his most important fight to date if he wins he gets to move forward into some of the worlds best tournaments for upcoming fighters.
But if he loses he will he will be thrown out of the tournament and miss his only chance of realising his dream as a world class fighter.
However, Tsung wanted this fighter for himself and for his own tournament so it was imperative for Tsung that Erik lost the next fight.
Before Erik's final fight Shang Tsung slipped a formula he created into Erik's drinking water bottle that would make Erik lose the fight. The drug made the fighter lose concentration and delay his muscle reactions which resulted in Erik losing the fight and being thrown from the tournament.
The same night Shang Tsung follows Erik into a near by tavern, Feeling beaten, lost and helpless Erik drinks extremely heavily that night and collapses in the tavern,
Shang Tsung drags him out the tavern pretending to take Eric home.
Shang Tsung has a helecopter waiting near by and drags the intoxicated fighter onto the helecopter and makes his way back to the lab in Decon City.
As Shang Tsung goes down into the lab at CODA he announces to the scientists "heres our fighter get him under sedation before he wakes up" Erik is then dragged away by one of the CODA staff. Tsung is then confronted by one of the lead scientists eager to show him the results of the latest experiment.
The scientist explanes that they have succeeded in taking one subjects abilities and implanting them into a second subject.
Subject A = a martial artist Subject B = a normal man with no skills.
The scientist then shows the recorded footage on a screen of subject B lying on a table being injected by a needle directly into the brain, then moments later when being asked to perform Subject B quickly demonstrates the ability to do advanced martial arts and instantly possesses the knowledge of how to use the new implanted ability from Subject A.
(could this be the beginning of Shang Tsungs morphing/ taking others powers?)
Now that Shang Tsung has the perfect fighter and is confident that the experiments will work he gets to work on his biggest and most dangerous project, a project to genetically alter Erik Shokan into the most deadliest fighter in the world. and he calls it project GORO Genetic - Organism - Reproduction - Operation.
The Experiment is to reproduce the subjects arms onto the body just underneath the original arms
Give the subject enhanced strength and agility and implant extra fighting styles to the subjects memory
and also alter the subjects current memories so he has no past to recollect.
Days, weeks and months pass as the experiments go underway
on the last day Shang Tsung and the scientists go to wake Erik from his heavy sedation to see if the experiment was a success. As the Scientists slowly bring Erik back into consciousness, Shang Tsung looks down at his new warrior on the table and says "awaken my champion! you are no longer Erik Shokan. From this day forth you shall be known as GORO - Prince of Pain' and you will bow to me!" The newly enhanced fighter opens his eyes and leaps to his feet grabbing Shang Tsung in the process and raising him off the ground by his neck with its two new arms. Tsung stares down into the monsters eyes in fear as it squeeses every last breath from him. The Scientists stood there in shock if only for a split second, already armed with tranqialisers they shoot it down.
The experiment was 85% successful, the subjects new limbs worked perfectly, the new implanted muscle memories worked enabling it to perform many advanced fighting styles, it was also incredibly strong and agile.
The process of destroying its old memories however was not as successful, the subject lost the ability to communicate rashionally and was unstable, extremely dangerous and showed signs of aggression and a killer instinct.
To Shang Tsung this was a minor set back, he locked the creature in the underground basement of the lab and kept it chained up like a dragon in a lair.
Over the next two years Shang Tsung gained control over his new champion and trained it vigorously, eventually it would only ever communicate with Shang and do anything he wanted. Over time Goro began to trust only Shang Tsung and slowly became his loyal subject.
All Goro knows now is how to fight and who he fights for.
Now in 2010 Shang Tsung hosts the worlds greatest underground tournament pitching fighters, serial killers, assassins from around the world to fight each other to the death in his tornament called Mortal Kombat those good enough to go all the way will then face Mortal Kombat's greatest Champion GORO - the Prince of Pain.
one last thing, In MK rebirth which ever fighter gets all the way through the tornament and finaly faces goro, discovers a weakness, as they get a few head hits in Goro begins to have flashbacks of his previous life and gets confused during the battle, he realises what shang Tsung has done to him then turns on him, killing him (so it seems)
Entry ID: 57
Shang Tsung, a mysterious but deviant mastermind learned one way or another that the U.S Special forces where trying to sabotage his tournament. Using this knowledge, he genetically modified a super human from dead bodies his people believed to have taken soles from. This creature stood high at 12 feet tall and was born into the world feeling nothing but pain, anger and the need to serve under shang tsungs rule. Its skin seemed tougher than that of the average human and it had four gigantic arms, these where features shang felt it needed to survive a tough hand to hand battle.
This creature however was not just a tool to win a martial arts tournament, but also a soldier with which shang intended to start a highly destructive army.
Entry ID: 58
During the world war 2 , chemical weapons were used during the war and one of them (used by the USA ) mistakenly affected a Chinese forgotten county . The DNA of the people in that country was affected and the genome was mutated . Many people died with Goro's parents being one of the very few survivals . Shang Tsung , who is a very successful man and owns and shares a lot of companies around the world , helps rebuilding the village and uses it as one of his many locations where he can continue doing his illegal business .
Goro's parents who held a high social status in the village before the attack , helped Shang and made their mutated son a servant of him .
Goro is suffering from (Polymelia ) , stays faithful to his parents' wishes .
Entry ID: 59Throughout the ages a clandestine order of monks, known as the Shokan, have played the role of body guards to emperors, kings, and important leaders. What makes these monks peculiar is a certain bone mutation that has been perpetuated and made into a deadly weapon. This mutation is that of an elongated scapula that runs down the length of the rib cage, but the bottom of the bone has another arm sprouting out. Having four arms, unbridled strength, being no shorter than six feet and ten inches in adulthood, and brutal combat methods these protectors are not to be trifled with.
Presently, there are few Shokan left, but they still walk among us. One in particular has made a name for himself in certain underground fighting rings. His real name is unknown, but he has been dubbed "Gore-O" for his excessive use of dismemberment and shear brutality. While putting together his tournament, Shang Tsung looked for a guardian that would both incite fear into his opponents and be able to kill anybody that stood in his way. In his search he found the one called Gore-O in a secret fighting arena, one where powerful individuals came to cast bets on the victor and watch for entertainment. At the end, Shang Tsung challenged Gore-O to a fight and was the first to ever best him, but instead of finishing him Tsung offered him the chance to fulfill his duty as a Shokan and play the role of a guardian for his upcoming tournament. Naturally, Gore-O agreed to this deal, but refused to reveal his name and simply went by Goro from then on.
Entry ID: 60
For Mortal Kombat Rebirth, Goro should be Shang Tsung's Number One Bodyguard. Standing at over six foot eight, Goro is built like an ox, and is distinguishable from over large men because his large shaven head, except for a small ponytail coming from the top. A former tournament champion from Hong Kong who was expelled from the ring for his growing brutality. Anyone who even spits in Tsung's direction will get simply destroyed by Goro, who tends to over due his little assignments. He has been known to tear a man's arm off right from his socket. Among the circles of crime, Goro is a legend. Some believe he even has four arms, if you can believe that. Whether he is a monster or a man, Goro is dangerous foe and one of Tsung's best men.
Entry ID: 61
Goro -- A hideously spawned disfigured, grotesque mutated beast. Created by an ancient, decadent, mythological tribe and shamen -- long before human civilization. Their original intent was to invoke a horribly reanimated (4-armed)human male spliced with the blood of an ancient, mythological creature -- to serve, protect, and pay homage to none other than this psychotic tribe. Only to be sacrificed to their Eldest Deities.
Unlike any human, Goro was born by fire. Aborted from a vicious incantation to sacrifice the impregnated, praised unto their unholy deities. Many of these women and newborns have died, yet only Goro was the breathing bastard son. Immediately... the tribe cast a black spell; bathing the infant into the blood of an unknown creature. Painfully, insanely attaching 2 additional arms from another sacrificed child. Chanting their white eyes rolled back into their skull, the sun is completely blacked out. As black as the eyes of Goro. His 4 arms all remembling life. A shriek from this ghastly beast and GORO NOW LIVES.
Under many blistered moons and suns, the tribe harsly trained and severely beat their abomination into a hardened, genocidal deathbringer. Treating Goro like a ferociously tamed dog. Brainwashing him to know only death and extermination of all life upon command. Feasting on flesh and bone, no matter the carrier of soul. Wherever life grew, Goro would crush. Showing no signs of fear.
Which, suddenly, took a turn for the worst... Goro completely annihilates his creators. darkest hellstorm possible tears the nightsky, Goro unleashes a bestial scream that pierces the world; as the dismembered and disemboweled corpses of his once-evil followers lay rotting into the earth. Goro is now free to forever wander under the deep mountains of Indonesia. Alone, and set to kill.
There is no telling how long Goro has lived. Although scholars and the eldest of Indonesia have studied and beleived that for centuries up until now; Goro has been dwelling in deep cavernous, darkened lairs of the Indonesian mountains. Shut out from the world we live in today. Gruesomely evolving into a unimaginable, sickening horror.
Yet that is until Shang Tsung find hims, defeats him, and puts him under his possession... Thus, using Goro as a bodyguard and a fierce opponent in the Mortal Kombat tournament. He is kept imprisoned in an underground lair somewhere at this tournament. Unknown to all the fighters. Goro is a force to be reckoned with.
Entry ID: 62
Real world Goro would be a bad-ass ex-solider who went into the underground fighting community and would do whatever it took to get ahead of everyone else. Some massive, jacked up guy with muscles on top of muscles who gained access to a drug the government was testing on people and due to this was able to add two appendages to enhance combat.
Entry ID: 63
Goro was born in Japan. His family was affected by the radiation of the atomic bombs from World War II so he was born with polymelia, he had 2 fully formed extra arms. His parents rejected him so they sold him as a baby to the owners of a circus where they gave him the stage name of ‘Goro the Prince of Freaks’. They treated him like crap , they abused and exploited him by putting him on display on a cage where people could see and feed him, they spitted and insulted him and stuff.
He grew really big and strong. He lived with other animals so he behaved like one, but he could speak and understand stuff like a human, too. During his performances, they chained him and put an animal on his cage; he killed it and ate it viciously.
So one day during a circus performance the circus owner started hitting him to get him to follow his commands. Enraged, Goro broke the chains and went on a rampage. He killed everyone on the stage and he even killed people from the audience. He escaped and started fighting on a cage for money in a bar. There, he met Shang Tsung who invited him to his underground tournament where he could have all the money he wanted, he agreed and became his champion and #1 killer. He adopted the name Prince Goro and fought in his underground tournaments by murdering every one of the participants he was up against.
Entry ID: 64
Mortal Kombat Rebirth Goro Description
Goro, a bum who had no direction in life, offered to be an experiment subject. He was
used to see if starfish genes could help humans grow back limbs. As a revolting result, Goro
grows two extra arms. He kills the scientists that experimented on him, before he escapes to find
a new destiny. Shang Tsung, the mastermind behind an underground tournament called Mortal
Kombat, finds Goro perplexed by his new life. Tsung seizes this opportunity to use Goro as his
pawn. With gargantuan power, Goro becomes champion of the tournament. Can anyone stop
this monster in Mortal Kombat?
Entry ID: 65
The name "Goro", reflects a serial of questions, ignorance and mysticism. Some may believe that is a person, others believe that is an ancient god, but the most people think that he doesn't even exist.
At the inmiment Shang Tsung's Mortal Kombat tourney, through several researchs guided by Sonya Blade and Jackson Briggs police team, it's been revealed one of the most darkest Shang Tsung's secret about "Goro".
"Goro" will be a sadistic torture device, inspired by a 2000 years older mythological being. The rumor is that he had a grotesque body, bloodlust and four arms.
By the Shang Tsung's tournament rules, the purpose of "Goro" would consist in test the challenger endurance. Then, the challenger that has passed all the contenders, would have to face the last trial before fight Shang Tsung in the final match. The trial would be a torture device, in which the challenger would by both hands and legs tied up on a table, in which will be the members stretchen up and twisted, all of this for a simbolical ritual to honor "Goro".
Entry ID: 66
Back in the mid-1970’s, the Chinese we’re working on a secret project to build an advanced army unlike any seen on the planet before.
They did this by utilizing a new scientific process that we now call stem cell research.
These scientist would kidnap newly pregnant women, drug them and inject a special cocktail of proteins into their womb.
The mothers would wake up in a cell, surrounded by others who had undergone the same process.
There, they were monitored by the Chinese scientist, especially one new mother who was just given their newest, most advanced blend, called G-Zero-R-Zero or G0R0.
If the woman survived into the third trimester, they could harvest the weapon from her womb, and incubate it to the rest of it’s term.
Most of the mothers died from complications brought on by the scientists, but G-Zero-R-Zero is “born” successfully as is the first weapon with 6 limbs. 4 arms and 2 big powerful legs.
Then, still a few weeks old, they discovered the new 6 limbed weapon also has the ability to spit fire from a hybrid gland attached to it’s stomach. This gland creates a new form of acid that combust when exposed to just a few seconds of oxygen and nitrogen. For this reason G0R0 is immediately taken by the scientist to a hidden cave that is protected deep inside the mountains.
The next day the research facility they had just left was attached by Lin Kuei assassins who destroyed everything and everyone in it looking for the new weapon.
Through torture, the assassins gathered info and search desperately to find the secret cave that housed the new weapon. When the assassins were getting close, the scientist took the now 6 month old weapon deeper into the mountains.
After a year of searching the assassins came to a mountain temple run by monks. There, they hear stories of a child with 6 limbs that was discovered outside the temple doors. The assassins realizing what they have found demand to take the weapon, but the monks have already sworn to teach and protect the disfigured child.
The assassins protest, but outnumbered they are sent away. They vow to one day kill the child.
G0R0 is raised by the monks and taught all of their ways, he is the pride of the temple.
Then some years later, the monks start to complain of stomach pains and then, die suddenly the next day.
This continues for days when a old man arrives at the temple and offers a antidote to the dying masters, ..but his price is high, his cost is that their students will go with him to his island, and serve him as their new master.
The monks refuse, but to save they dying men the students agree, and go with the old man....
That was the last anyone saw of G0R0. . The old man is rumored to have poisoned his mind and turned G0R0 into a lethal killing machine, pounding and tearing anyone who challenges him apart.
G0R0 will be at the tournament, he and the old man, Shang Tsung!
Entry ID: 67
It didn't take many years for the person, if you can call it that, named Dmitri Petrov to realize he was different. He felt human, talked human, was even told he was “kind of” human. However, it doesn't take a scholar of any subject to realize you don't belong behind bars.
Born with a rare birth defect known as Polymelia, his extra two, completely functional and grown arms were things you don't see every day. That is unless you visit second rate Russian carnivals on a regular basis. He was taken from town to town and labeled “The Giant of Russia” as his huge 7' 4'' frame demanded.
No one in the carnival knew where he was from, or who his parents were. They only know that one day they were in a town near the Russian-Mongolian borders and he wasn't apart of the show, and the next day he was. This was when the beast was woke.
Years went by and every day that crawled through the life of Dmitri stained his soul sending it deeper to darkness. For he was born of a peaceful family and never knew anything of hatred, or anger. He was content with his figure and was convinced it was how his Gods wanted him to look.
Now he curses the Gods.
The story behind his new name, marks the first sign of anger, but not the last.
It was a regular carnival night, and the crowds were frantic to see the site that so many had mentioned and spread word of around the area. Dmitri was becoming a hit, and he didn't even know why. Many nights went by that the curtains opened and all the audience could do was gasp, and and be amazed. He began to like it, he was feeling that his purpose was coming forward to him.
That's when it all went down hill. Ready to be displayed to the hundreds of people in attendance, his pose was ready and the stage was set. Down the curtains fell, and while he stood there, ready to be gawked at, all that really happened was a shower of laughter. Each and every person stood out to him. He had never felt this before. They were laughing, and he knew it was at him. He knew right then without ever knowing the meaning of the word, that he was a freak, and for the first time he felt like it too.
In a fit of rage he roared something no man could ever conjure from their own lungs. Storming off stage with his four arms raised in the air, he brought them crashing over the sign that read “Giant of Russia- Only Tonight!” when all the dust had settle, and pieces of sign fell to the ground, all that was left was “G o R O !”
Thus began the chants for a return to stage, “Goro! Goro! Goro!” they rang out louder and louder until he had enough! He returned in a fit of rage and began a rampage of destruction. Throwing items, and people. Thrashing around screaming for them to be quiet. To stop chanting, which worked. The chants were turned into screams and yells.
From amazement, to amusement, to fear.
That night was not only one of the few remaining nights of his carnival life that someone did not die, but the last night Goro knew what it was like to be free for a long time.
After hours of trying to contain him, Dmitri, who was now known simply as Goro, was locked in a cage. It took him months to escape. Now, after leaving the carnival owner with one less arm, he's a wanted man, if you can call him a man.
He was last seen walking into a building thought to be owned by the man known as Shang Tsung, but since that night, he's only left his destruction in the site of others. Whether or not he's still alive remains to be seen, but knowing Tsung, Goro is being put to evil use.
Entry ID: 68
I think I have the best idea for Goro in the new movie Mortal Kombat Rebirth.
Goro real name should be Gordon Robertson. In this movie Gordon grew up a
very large athletic student. The main sport he was involved in was wrestling
where he never lost a match his entire high school and college career. He got the
nickname “Goro” from his college coach. He was talk about as the best wrestler
of his generation because of his size and strength. Gordon wanted to make a
career as a wrestler so he decided to go become a professional sumo wrestler.
Gordon beat countless opponents in the sumo ring accept their champion
Kintajima Rohan codename Kintaro. He lost to him several times and grew very
frustrated. He went to the black market to find away he could get the edge and
this is what changed his life forever. He met a man named Shang Sung who told
him that he had some drugs that could help him beat Kintaro in exchange he
would have agree to become a test subject after he beat Kintaro. Gordon agreed
quickly without thinking and Shang Sung gave him some pills and told him to take
them right before the match. Gordon listened and did exactly what he said After
Gordon took the pills he felt more energized than ever and defeated Kintaro
easily. Gordon went back to Shang Sung to finish the deal he made with him.
Shang Sung strapped Gordon down to an experimental chair and told him this
will only last a few minutes. He had Gordon look into a bright light while chanting
some spell. Gordon tried to stop him but he was strapped down to tight to the
chiar. Shang Sung told Gordon “your name is Goro and now you serve me” and
Goro ended up chanting it with him as well. Gordon got hypnotized and served
Shang Sung. Shang Sung injected with a re-growth gene that he took from a
salamander. After his experiment he told Goro to get up and go kill Kintaro and
bring back his head. Goro immediately got up to do as such. He went to find
Kintaro in a dojo practicing. Kintaro got angry and starting to fight with him and
while they where fighting Kintaro broke one of Goro’s arm. Goro fighting with one
arm now was getting beat and about to get killed. Goro then picked up some
broken glass off the floor that was destroyed while they where fighting a sliced
Kintaro’s neck. Goro then ripped his head off his already loose neck and left.
When he brought his head back to Shang Sung his master Shang Sung told him
that he would fix his arm back to normal. He told Goro to lie down while he
worked on his body. He cut off Goro’s broken arm to see if the salamander gene
had blended well. The day he came back to see that it had grew two arms
instead of one. So he did the other as well. This is how Gordon Robertson
became known as Goro.