Old School roll call!!!


New member
Who was playing Mortal Kombat 1, 2 and 3 when it was out in the arcade, and visited #mk3 on efnet back then?

I recently got an out-of-the-blue email from Worknman, and pointed him here, so I wanted to see who's around he might remember. Or I might remember for that matter!
There was this hidden "old school" forum, but I dont see it anymore, or I'd just look there to see who answered last time we reminisced. :)
ratman said:
Who was playing Mortal Kombat 1, 2 and 3 when it was out in the arcade, and visited #mk3 on efnet back then?

Me all the time. That was tyhe shit back in the day at the Arcade. Fighting other who loved playing MK. I miss those days so much! :cry:

As for the second part of your post, sorry i don't understand :?
I never really went into the arcades much, in england there aren't really many arcades that aren't at the coast, and i live nowhere near. I did play all 3 on the genesis, Amiga and PS1 respectively pretty near to their releases though
Hey Ratman, I'm here and still kicking .. Good to hear that Worknman is around, haven't seen him show up yet. :)

Of course you know Jeff, Tet, and Pat are here.. Tealshark is hiding in the shadows somewhere. The guys from MKX are still on the net, but doing their own things now (OSX, Hawk, Gumbo, Trash, F/X, and Ermac), I'm about the only one out of them who keeps up with Mortal Kombat though.

Antony Espindola actually shows up from time to time also.
Just swung by to say hi to everyone, a little blast from the past! For those who don't know me (and actually care), I first got on the Internet in 1995, as soon as it became local in my area. My main motivation for getting online was to search for move lists for MK3. Somebody at the arcade (remember those?) gave me the URL for Antony Espindola's site .. back then, I was accessing the web via Lynx and a Unix shell (before I ever knew what Lynx and a Unix shell were.) Soon after finding Antony's site, I found another site ran by a guy named Sub-Zero, and it wasn't long before I was running the site along with him. Back then, there were literally dozens and dozens of MK sites (this was back before Gamefaqs), and ours became one of the most popular, especially after Rat retired and let us run his site for him.

After MK Trilogy was done, we both got burned out with the whole MK thing and quit. And as I look back on it almost 10 years later (hard to believe it's been that long), I can't believe how much time I wasted on those damn games :) I was in college at the time and my dumb ass used to skip class so I could hit the arcade and try out some unconfirmed move or code, just so we could be the first ones with the info. Hell, like any of that ever mattered :lol: Still though, I look back on those days with much fondness. The Net was an entirely different animal back then - no ads, no spam, no Flash, no spyware, and for those of us who ran sites back then, we did it purely for the fun of it .. I don't think it ever occured to us that we could profit off something like that, nor do I think we would've wanted to. Now days, for most people its all about how many pop-ups they can shove down your throat in a single session. How I long for a return to the days of old ...

Since then, I have been involved with no projects at all. As I was telling Rat, I've played no Mortal Kombat games since MK4, including any of the console-only versions (sans MK Gold on the Dreamcast). I don't even own a game console of any kind anymore.

Anyway, I recognize almost every name mentioned in this thread, but I don't remember many specifics about each individual. I was mostly busy back then with keeping the site updated along with work and going to school full time, so I never spent much time chatting with many of you. However, I'd like to send a shout out to Sub-Zero/Mack-10 (my old partner 'n crime, who I lost touch with years ago), OSX, Jenn Dolari (whatever happened to her?), SpiffyGuy (who had an MK3 SNES FAQ that I stole much info from), the admins of this fine site, TonyD, Druboy, and the rest of the old #mk3 crew, and anybody else I might've known back then but now can't remember off the top of my head. And of course, the Ratman!

Hey, this has been fun. Maybe we'll do it again in another 5 years :) Peace out!

- WorknMan

(EDIT: Did a Google search for Jenn Dolari, and found her here: http://www.dolari.net.)
WorknMan said:
However, I'd like to send a shout out to Sub-Zero/Mack-10 (my old partner 'n crime, who I lost touch with years ago), OSX, Jenn Dolari (whatever happened to her?)

I heard she eats babies, now. And rips their souls and makes them into fashionable beer koozies. :)
I absolutely played the shit out of MK 1-3 in the arcades. Boy did I plunk a lot of money into those machines. Those were the days.

I definitely wasn't involved in the MK community that far back, though. I didn't start using the internet until it was already pretty well established.

Hee. WorkNMan sent me an Email about this thread, and I couldn't believe it. It's Rat! And Malitor! And #mk3 (which really wasn't my bag, but, hey....) It's really kinda eerie, too. I just got an EMail saying one of those Internet Pop Culture sites was reviewing SFJenn (http://www.scary-crayon.com/games/sfjenn/), which was also another nostalgia kick to the head.

Lesse...what have I been up to. I finally moved out of Pennsylvania in 2000, back to Texas (helping to Keep Austin Wierd). I also left Usenet about the same time. It just wasn't the same place it was in 93 and 94. A lot of the fun had been sucked out of AGMk and was replaced by spambots. And I've always thought - when it stops being fun, you find something else that is.

In spring of 2001, I had what was prolly the worse emotional slide I'd ever had when I lost my love, my job, my apartment, my parents (who stopped talking to me, not that they died) and my pets all within the span of a month. I took some time off to detox from all that and after my parents started talking to me again, I moved back home to rebuild my life. That's when I got back into my first love, comics.

I started drawing A Wish for Wings in December, and started a second comic, Closetspace, in 2002 (those of you with sharp memories might remember this early mention of that comic: http://groups.google.com/group/alt.games.mk/msg/04256c4771ace025?dmode=source).


About this time, I kinda gave up on Mortal Kombat. I still love the games. But MK:D was Tekken, it wasn't MK. And I don't like Tekken all that much. It got almost no play time at all at the Dolari house. I only picked up MK:DA for the MK1 pack in. I gave the DA portion to Bo Vitus, who hasn't touched it either. I have no plans to pick up Armageddon.

That isn't to say I don't play the old games. MK2 is the most played game on my MAME list, next to Super SF2 Turbo. But while SF games have pretty much the same fighting style now as they did then, MK hasn't.

In 2004 I was invited to my first comics convention as a guest, in 2005 I began the Day of Remembrance website, which is a small community of webcomic artists banding together in some online activism, and in 2006, I moved into a new house, became allergic to the floor varnish, and am trying to move out ASAP. :)

No, really. :)

Hopefully, in the next few years, I'll be moving to Seattle to start a new comic company, and eventually, Vancouver to be with my sweetie.

Remarkably, I still talk with a lot of folks from back then. Bo and I are still roomies, although not for much longer (he moved to Austin a few months after me, and took me in when I got a new job in 2003). I talk regularly with D'arque Bishop almost every day or so. I talk with Maximoff, NeoKnight and Klingon730 at least once or twice a month, and still have contact with folks like Edenguy, Zlebret, and Cammy (those few millenia that she signs onto ICQ).

So. How y'all are?
Wow I remember you Jen, seeing that sig in that google groups post brings back memories. I never knew you or anything, but you were just well known. Maybe if you wasted time with us IRC kiddies I'd have known you! :)

As for what happened to me since then, I moved from New Hampshire to California during the boom in 99, and have been here ever since.
I'm curretly working in porn web hosting, I've always been a server admin geek.
I also hate console games, I started in MK back when arcade games were better than anything you could play on anything you could get at home, but I'm a PC gamer at heart. I got sucked into the whole MMORPG thing from Anarchyonline, City of Heroes, World of Warcraft, etc. I don't recommend it, total waste of life. And any game that makes it hard to stop playing easily so you can say hi to people that visit or call on the phone needs to get deleted.

I was also into the whole Furry scene for many years, I still kinda like it but I dont consider myself one of THOSE PEOPLE anymore. :) I did leave behind a legacy, I started the site yerf.com, someone else has run it for many years now but I did start it and run it for 5 years.
I ran servers for halflife while that was still relevent, and now I'm running one for Day of Defeat (for Halflife 2 engine), homepage is http://yr.rat.org

So I don't have a lot going on right now, been busy at work, some fun challenges there keeping me busy. Figuring out how to deliver that much porn is difficult! The hard drives on the servers can't keep up!
ratman said:
Wow I remember you Jen, seeing that sig in that google groups post brings back memories. I never knew you or anything, but you were just well known. Maybe if you wasted time with us IRC kiddies I'd have known you! :)

I didn't hang out much in IRC. I had a bad experience with IRC in my pre MK days so I don't like it much. Sorry. :) Usenet never tried to ping me out of existence every time I posted...I just got the spam.

ratman said:
I'm curretly working in porn web hosting, I've always been a server admin geek.

So I don't have a lot going on right now, been busy at work, some fun challenges there keeping me busy. Figuring out how to deliver that much porn is difficult! The hard drives on the servers can't keep up!

::laugh:: My comics are hosted on a porn server. :D When I decided to move off of Keenspace because it kept crashing, a friend offered me an account with unlimited space and bandwidth. Turns out my cute little comic about a girl who wants to be an angel is hosted on the same servers as Stilenet. :D

Not that I'm complaining. It's the porn revenue that keeps my site free. Although I had to find a way to keep the 404 page from redirecting to Camwhores. :)
Well, well, well. It's like a family reunion. I never would have known about this thread if Jenn hadn't tipped me off. In any event, wow. I still have fond memories of being referred to as "the only worthwhile AOLer." So, what have I been up to since circa 1993-4? I finished high school, spent 1997-8 in Japan, came back, went to college in Pennsylvania and moved back home to Maryland. I worked for AT&T for two years, met a lovely woman, moved in with her and quit that lousy job. Now we both work as paralegals for a small law firm, own a great big house with three cats, and are getting married in August. Did I leave out anything important?

Gamewise, I pretty much dropped out of MK fandom for good after UMK3 completely failed to revitalize the franchise. I can still be found spouting out useless trivia about the old days, though, in between telling kids to get off my lawn. I still love Street Fighter, and base my console purchasing decisions on whichever system has the best support for rereleases of decade-old 2D fighting games.

I don't suppose anybody still has a copy of that Mortal Kombat/Quantum Leap crossover fanfic I wrote way back in the day?
im_a_loner_dottie_a_rebel said:
quantum leap? does scorpion go back in time and help stop lee harvey oslwald from shooting jfk?

Nothing that interesting, I'm afraid. No, Sam just leaps into Sub-Zero.
Christ on a Bike, there's some real Old-School going on here!

Nice to read your words again Jenn, it's been far too long :D

I'm still around now and then, lurking in the shadows as it were.
antonye said:
Christ on a Bike, there's some real Old-School going on here!

Good ta see ya again, Antony! Or should I say DOCTOR Antony? (Assuming your web page is correct)

I should fix that broken image....
Glad to see so many familiar faces here... I just found this thread today (been busy with other site aspects preparing for E3 in LA next week)

And keeping it old school, this year I purchased a MK2 cabinet (with UMK3 in it) for about 350 and now have added MK1 and MK2 into it. Well I also have my other favorite, Killer Instinct in it as well. It's not fully complete, needs some securing down of the game boards a bit better, etc. But it really brings back the memories.
Wow I thought TRMK deleted my account, anyways...

Nostalgia! Yeah, I remember most of you guys that posted in this thread from 1995 - 1998.

Can't wait for UMK3 on XBL
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