Search results

  1. GuanxYu

    Future Guest Characters?

    are there any guest characters you would like in future games ? what moves/fatalities would they have? here are a few of my ideas 1. Lu Bu Origin : Dynasty Warriors Series Moveset - mix between martial arts and using his large three sided halberd. special moves would be grab and hit away...
  2. GuanxYu

    Chinese/Japanese Name Translations

    泉池 -Quán chí 尚崇- Shang Tsung 劉康 -Liu Kang 李梅 - Li Mei 金太郎 - Kintaro 碧菡 - Bi Han 翁長 - Onaga 蒯良 - Kuai liang 五郎 - Goro 雷電 - Raiden 風神 - Fujin
  3. GuanxYu

    Halloween 6 Producer's Cut : finally released as stand-alone Bluray

    O.O so freaking excited, been waiting years to finally see this version of the movie, it's easily the best version of the film and makes more sense than the theatrical version. no longer must we Halloween fans have to stick to the crappy dvd versions. anyone else preorder this ?
  4. GuanxYu

    Nobunaga's Ambition : Sphere of Influence

    screenshots Personally, i've very excited for this game, i've been a fan of Koei's historical strategy series since i played one of them on PS2, :jmp:it's about time Koei :ton:
  5. GuanxYu

    who would you cast in the next MK film ?

    just wondering, my list Zhang Fengyi - Shang Tsung Really loved him in this Chinese film called Red Cliff, he played Tsao Tsao Tony Leung - Kung lao Zhao Wei - Kitana she played the Role of Princess Sun Shangxiang in Red Cliff and would be a perfect warrior princess Angelina Jolie -...
  6. GuanxYu

    Post the Last thing you Bought

    something fun, last things i bought this beautiful Katana, it's pretty sharp too this amazing shirt
  7. GuanxYu

    Post your videos

    just an idea, post some of your gameplay videos here, it may help others and so on, here's one i made just for fun XD i'm not very good with any character but i just love Mileena
  8. GuanxYu

    MK Characters Recreated in Dynasty Warriors 8

    this game is fun and with the new empires version that just came out, i can create my own officers, i have only done a couple at the moment sorry for no sound, its from the PS4 video capture and it dosn't record sound in DW for some reason Kitana
  9. GuanxYu

    IF we get some guest Characters.... Who do you Want

    IF MKX gets some guests , who do you want, i definatly don't want Kratos or Freddy back, first off, the used the WRONG Freddy, i like Robert Englund 10000 times better , and i didn't care for kratos to be in it at all i would however LOVE Lu Bu - Dynasty Warriors/Romance of the THree...
  10. GuanxYu

    the Trailer had Horrible Music, what would you replace it with

    i think most of us can agree that the music was really bad in the reveal trailer, what would you have used i had a few choices Rob Zombie - Let it all Bleed Out 13QzjK_pRlo Rammstein - Sonne [since this song is about boxing, thought it would fit, the chorus is "here comes the sun, it is the...
  11. GuanxYu

    What if Pokemon was like Mortal Kombat ?

    found this interesting video, it's wrong yet so cool as i'm a huge MK fan
  12. GuanxYu

    top 5 most under rated albums ever

    my list 1.OOMPH! - Wunschkind 2. Dio - Angry Machines 3. Ozzy Osbourne - The Ultimate Sin 4. Black Sabbath - Headless Cross 5. Evanescence Origin
  13. GuanxYu

    Tomb Raider [Series]

    It all started in 1996 with this gem, one of my favorite series ever, the atmosphere, the puzzles , the locations and of course Lara:hail: the games [main entries ] my favorite in the series so what are your thoughts one the series, what games have you played and what would you...
  14. GuanxYu

    most underrated game of all time ?

    my pick is Tomb Raider Angel of Darkness while it's unfinished, buggy and clunky, it has such a perfect soundtrack and story that this alone makes it a good game, add on top of that the beautiful and colorful envirnments, puzzles and perfect annimations, why couldn't TR fans see these strengths...
  15. GuanxYu

    RIP Youtube : it may be the end [due to government] i'll just post same thing i posed on TRF well, i guess i might as well Delete ALL my ****ING VIDEOS from youtube since ALL of them use Music and Photos in some way , shape or form for example, i guess my...
  16. GuanxYu

    Underrated Games

    do you think some games deserve more credit that what reviewers tell you, i know i have a few fun and scary, also has great visuals, but some RE fans don't like it much Tomb Raider Angel of Darkness- fun and great story
  17. GuanxYu

    Actors/Actresses that would be good for a Live Action MK movie

    just some random ideas , i'm mainly going by looks Tony Leung as Kung Lao Hu Jun as Liu Kang Zhang Fengyi as Shang Tsung Angelina Jolie as Sindel lin chiling as Kitana Megan Fox as Mileena Ryan Reynolds as Johnny Cage [Legacy actor would be good too] Linda Hamilton as Sonya [she's old...
  18. GuanxYu

    Best Graphics

    Choices are Resident Evil 5 Mortal Kombat 9 God of War 3 Uncharted 2 Gears of War 2 Tomb Raider Anniversary [PS3 version] Assassin's Creed Brotherhood Final Fantasy 13 Heavy Rain Alan Wake messed up poll, Second "Alan Wake" option is now FF13
  19. GuanxYu

    Best Horror Sequels

    just a random idea Friday The 13th Part 2 Friday The 13th Part 3 Friday The 13th : The Final Chapter halloween 2 Halloween 4 Halloween H20
  20. GuanxYu

    Smiley Request Thread

    just wondering if i could request a couple new smilies